Thursday, November 3, 2022

Get Free and Printable Nursing Entrance exam Practice Sample Questions XI (All Health related Jobs)

Print Practice and Pass Nursing Entrance exam 2013

This is my 11th part of blog on getting nursing and other health related jobs. In this blog you will see some more free nursing questions with answers. This test can be also used for passing other health or math exams. For nursing entrance exam you not only have to learn science but also have to pass test in English and math. In this blog you will see questions in math

Nursing entrance practice Test Questions 156-170

Q 156


 35% of what number is 70?

Q 157


What number is 5% of 2000?

Q 158


 What percent of 90 is 27?
Q 159
Tim works for $15.50 per hour for a health care facility. He is supposed to get a 75 cent per hour raise at one year of service. What will his percent increase in hourly pay be?

Q 160
 If 45 is 120% of a number, what is 80% of the same number?

Q 161
 How long will Lucy have to wait before her $2,500 invested at 6% earns $600 in simple interest?

A.2 years
B.3 years
C.4 years
D.5 years
E.6 years

Q 162
 What is 35% of a number if 12 is 15% of a number?


Answering Sheet for nursing entrance practice Test Questions 156-170


156. E: The equation, 0.35x = 70, may be used to solve the problem. Dividing both sides of the equation by 0.35 gives x = 200.

157. B: The problem may be modeled as x = 0.05(2000). Thus, 100 is 5% of 2000.

158. C: The problem may be modeled as 90x = 27. Dividing both sides of the equation by 90 gives x = 0.3 or 30%.

159. D: The percent increase may be modeled by the expression, 0.75/15.50, which is approximately 0.048, or 4.8%.

160. A: The first part of the problem may be modeled with the equation, 45 = 1.2x. Solving for x gives x = 37.5. 80% of 37.5 may be written as 0.80(37.5), which equals 30.

161. C: The formula, I = Prt, represents the amount of interest earned, for a particular principal, interest rate, and amount of time. Substituting 600 for I, 2500 for P and 0.06 for r gives: 600 = 2500(0.06)t. Solving for t gives t = 4. Thus, she will have to wait 4 years to earn $600 in interest.

162. C: The second part of the problem may be modeled with the equation, 12 = 0.15x. Solving for x gives x = 80. Thus, the number is 80. 35% of 80 may be written as 0.35(80), which equals 28.

163. C: The sale price of the computer is 80% of the regular price. Thus, the following equation may be used to solve the problem: 1600 = 0.80x. Solving for x gives x = 2000. Thus, the regular price of the computer is $2000.

164. B: The following equation may be used to solve the problem: 0.25=(39,000-x)/x. Multiplying both sides of the equation by x gives 0.25x = 39,000 - x. Adding x to both sides of the equation gives 1.25x = 39,000, where x = 31,200. Thus, the cost of the SUV to the dealer was $31,200.

165. E: The problem may be modeled by the expression, 49,000 - (0.20(49,000)), which equals 39,200. Thus, he had to sell the car for $39,200.

166. B: The attendance of employees and spouses may be modeled as 1/2+1/3, or 5/6. Thus, 1/6 of those, in attendance, who are not employees or spouses, is approximately 16.7%.

167. B: The first part of the problem may be modeled with the equation, 6 = 0.24x. Solving for x gives x = 25. Thus, the number is 25. 40% of this number may be written as 0.40(25), which equals 10.

168. A: The problem may be modeled as 0.25(400), which equals 100.

169. B: The problem may be modeled as 0.22(900), which equals 198.

170. D: The percentage may be obtained by multiplying 0.45 by 100. Doing so gives 45%.



Q 163
 A computer is on sale for $1600, which is a 20% discount off the regular price. What is the regular price?


Q 164
A car dealer sells a SUV for $39,000, which represents a 25% markup over the dealer's cost. What was the cost of the SUV to the dealer?
Q 165
 After having to pay increased income taxes this year, Edmond has to sell his BMW. Edmond bought the car for $49,000, but he sold it for a 20% loss. What did Edmond sell the car for?
Q 166
 At a company fish fry, ½ in attendance are employees. Employees' spouses are 1/3 of the attendance. What is the percentage of the people in attendance who are not employees or employee spouses?

Q 167
 If 6 is 24% of a number, what is 40% of the same number


Q 168
25% of 400 =

Q 169
 22% of $900 =

Q 170
 Which of the following percentages is equal to 0.45?


Tuesday, October 18, 2022

HOW to modify your exercise routine to burn more calories

Revise your exercise routine to burn more calories

Although spending time working out is a great way to beat stress and get healthy, most of us are usually trying to squeeze in workouts during our already hectic schedules. And when you are able to get to the gym or find that 30 minutes for cardio, don't you want to make the most of every minute? No matter what type of cardio you do, you can burn more calories in the same amount of time with just a few modifications to your current workout.  Here are 13 tips to revise your workout to burn more calories in 2015

1. Start your exercise with cardio

Simple tricks to modify your exercise routine to burn more calories in 2015
Research shows if you want to up your calorie burn (and who doesn't?), that you should do cardio first. This Published study in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research examined how many calories exercisers burned doing one of four workout combinations: running only, strength training only, running followed by strength training, and strength training followed by running. Researchers found that while all exercisers experienced a strong "after burn" (a higher rate of calories burned when at rest after exercise) for the two hours after working out, the strength training and run/strength training groups had the highest exercise after burn of all. So what does this mean? Although it's just one study, the takeaway is that we might burn more calories after working out if we do our cardio first.

2. Try plyometric (jumping and hopping)

If you consider yourself an intermediate or advanced exerciser and are looking for ways to burn more calories, plyometric are the way to go. These high-intensity, explosive exercises such as jumping and hopping, get your heart rate up quickly, which equals a higher rate of calories burned. Additionally, these athletic movements really target your fast-twitch muscles, coordination and agility, so you're training your body in an entirely new and challenging way. And challenging workouts almost always equal results—and more calories burned. Because using proper form is essential when doing these advanced high-impact moves, consider learning the ropes first!

Simple tricks to modify your exercise routine to burn more calories in 2015

3. Try to Use your whole body

Most cardio exercises focus on the lower body (biking, walking, elliptical, stair climbing, etc.), but if you want to burn more calories, one easy tip is to incorporate your upper body. Pump those arms hard and high when running and walking, make sure to grab the elliptical with moving handles, and even consider adding a more full-body exercise to your cardio mix such as the rowing machine. The more muscles you move, the more calories you will burn!

4. Get intense

If you're serious about wanting to burn more calories, then it's time to up the intensity. Bump up your incline and resistance if you're on a piece of gym equipment, or walk a hillier route than usual if you exercise outdoors. To increase the burn, you need to get out of your cardio comfort zone. And when you do, the benefits can be big. In a study published in the Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports Medicine in 2002, researchers found that intense exercise resulted in the greatest fat burn (compared to light intensity exercise and no exercise at all) during the hours following a workout—and that fat burn continued for 11 hours.

5. Listen to fast music

If you seem to have trouble pumping yourself up for a workout, try popping in that high intensity music In a small study by the Research Institute for Sport and Exercise Sciences, scientists found that when male college students pedaled stationary bicycles while listening to fast popular music, the subjects pedaled faster and elevated their heart rates more. The students even perceived their workouts to be less intense than they actually were. And when the music slowed down? The opposite happened. So listen to music you love and get your cardio on!

6. Use proper form
Do you hold on to the handles when you run on the treadmill? Maybe you lean on the handlebars during spinning class or hunch over while walking on the Stairmaster. If you use these machines, you need to use proper form in order to burn more calories. As a general rule, keep your arms moving freely and naturally, keep your abs in, your weight centered over your hips, and your shoulders down and back. Not only does proper form keep you from getting injured, it also ups your calorie burn since your core is engaged. Bonus!

7. Speed up

 The best advice to all is upping your calorie burn?  Increase your pace even if it's just a little bit. The tortoise may have won the race, but the hare burned more calories!


Simple tricks to modify your exercise routine to burn more calories in 2015

8. Add some intervals

By varying your intensity through different intervals (think one minute running then two minutes walking), you can actually improve your fitness more quickly than by steady state cardio, and you can burn more calories. The bonus? Time seems to fly when you add interval training!

9. Focus is very important

We talk a lot about the importance of the mind-body connection and fitness. Although cardio isn't as Zen-like as yoga, cardio can still benefit from a strong sense of awareness. The next time you do cardio; focus on the movements and breathing while squeezing those muscles. By engaging your mind, you can actually better engage your muscles, which allows you to complete the exercise more easily and still burn more calories!

10. Don't work too hard.

This might sound counter-intuitive but hear me out. We all know how important intensity is to any workout plan, but also think about how your workout affects the rest of your day. If you spend an hour at the gym sprinting and doing lunges, you might burn 600 calories in a short amount of time, but if that intense workout completely wipes you out for the rest of the day, the extra calorie burn might not be worth it. Be honest with yourself and definitely push yourself, but not so hard that it gets in the way of other daily activities. After all, the goal is to improve your quality of life.

11. Eat food in intervals
12. Sleep more (at least 8 hrs.)
13. Change your exercise routine more often

Monday, September 26, 2022

Five ways to deal with bloating, constipation, gas and diarrhoea problems in 2021

Good Digestion Formula-Eat Fiber, Body moving, Intervals eating and avoid spicy food

This is my 4rth blog on what and when to eat have healthy digestive system. Bloating or constipation, gas and diarrhea problem starts when we all have bad digestive system in our body. By following a few simple tips, we all can help prevent these problems and promote a healthy digestive system.

1. Eat lots of fiber-rich foods

Fiber promotes healthy digestion by helping to remove waste from your body. It may also help lower your risk of colon cancer, help lower cholesterol, control blood sugar and help manage your body weight. Fibre-rich foods include:

•vegetables and fruit
•whole grain breads, pastas and cereals and
•legumes like beans, peas and lentils
Read Focus on Fiber to find out how much fibre you need and for tips on getting more fibre.

When adding fiber to your diet, do it slowly and drink plenty of liquids. Adding fibre too quickly without drinking enough liquids may cause pain and bloating.

2. Get your body moving all time?

Regular physical activity helps keep food moving through your digestive system. Try taking short walks during the day and use the stairs instead of the elevator to stay active. Adults need at least 150 minutes of physical activity a week. 

3. Eat and “go” regularly (intervals)

Eat regular meals and snacks during the day to help move food through your digestive system. Take time to eat even if you are having a busy day.

An important way to help prevent constipation is to go to the washroom when you feel you need to. As waste sits in your large intestine, water is slowly removed from it. This makes your stool harder and more difficult and sometimes painful to pass. The sooner your body can get rid of the waste, the softer your stool will be.


4. Avoid foods that may upset your stomach

You may find that some foods are more likely to upset your stomach than others. If you have heartburn, gas, constipation, celiac disease, diverticulitis, inflammatory bowel disease, or irritable bowel syndrome, you may find that specific foods trigger your symptoms. And this is different for everyone.

Some foods that commonly cause digestive pain are:
•spicy foods
•fatty or fried foods
•gas producing foods like beans, onions, broccoli, cabbage
•dairy products if you are lactose intolerant
Swallowed air makes up 90% of the gas in our digestive system. Here are some tips to help swallow less air and have less gas and bloating:

•Eat food slowly and try to relax while you eat.
•Drink from a glass. Don't use a straw or drink from a bottle or can.
•Avoid chewing gum and sucking on hard candy.
•Drink fluids lukewarm instead of hot. When you drink something hot, you swallow more air.
•If you smoke, try to stop.
Limit or avoid foods that give you an upset stomach or make you gassy and bloated. If you are lactose intolerant, remove lactose from your diet or try lactose-reduced foods.

 5. See your doctor

If you have gas, bloating, constipation, diarrhea or any other digestive problem regularly, it is important to see your doctor. These symptoms may be a sign of something more serious. Your doctor can help monitor your digestive health or refer you to a dietitian or specialist. If you have been diagnosed with any of the below conditions, see your doctor regularly:

•celiac disease
•inflammatory bowel disease or
•irritable bowel syndrome

From time to time, we all have digestive problems. By following a few tips, you can promote a healthy digestive system and lower your risk of digestive upset. If you have concerns about the symptoms you are having, see your doctor or dietitian

Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Why some Cancer Causing Foods we all eat every day?

How we all are eating Cancer Causing Foods daily?


We all know that carcinogens are all around us, which is why for the most part, we now avoid chemicals, smoking, radio waves and even certain household detergents! But did you know that there are a huge amount of foods out there which are known to be carcinogenic…some of which you probably eat every day! Here’s 12 Cancer Causing Foods you may want to avoid from now on!
funny food art 20 What can I say, I love food (25 Photos)

Refined Sugars spikes your body’s insulin

Refined sugar is typically made from genetically modified sugar beets and consuming it spikes your body’s insulin levels which can in turn feed cancer cells.

Soda Pop has Fructose

Fructose, the type of sugar found in soda, is a serious carcinogen, as is the brown coloring found in some cola’s. Soda also acidifies the body, which in turn causes cancer cells to multiply.

French Fries/Chips has Trans fats

These tasty staples are fried in Hydrogenated oils, like vegetable oil, which contains trans fats. Trans fats are a known carcinogen and recent studies have found that there is actually no “safe” amount of trans fats consumable. They are also very high in salt which increases the risk of high blood pressure. Potatoes are also one of the foods known to absorb the chemicals which are used to fertilize the soil, some of which is also know to be a carcinogen.

Processed Meats contain sodium nitrite

Meats such as bacon, sausages and in particular hot dog sausages have been proven to increase the risk of pancreatic cancer by 67% and in addition to this hot dogs commonly contain sodium nitrite, a cancer risk so well known that the USDA have been trying to ban it since the early 1970’s

Red Meat Has Neu5Gc, a sugar molecule

Some red meat contains Neu5Gc, a sugar molecule which attaches itself to your cells when you consume it. Your body then attacks it and increases the risk of causing a cancer. However, organic beef contains conjugated linoleic acid which actually helps your body to fight cancer all is not lost!

Microwave popcorn has PFOA

Most microwave popcorn bags are lined with a chemical called perfluorooctanoic acid ( PFOA). This is a toxin which can also be found in Teflon. Exposure to PFOA significantly increases the risk of kidney, bladder, liver, pancreas and testicular cancers
Motorcycles are fuuunnnnn!!!

White Bread and Pasta has chemical

Refined flour is typically bleached to achieve it’s pure whiteness and can be found in found in some white breads and pasta. The food retains some of the chemical which is then ingested, and upsets our body’s natural blood sugar balance, increasing insulin production and encouraging the growth of cancer cells.

Canned Tomatoes has or BPA

The lining of almost all canned foods are made with a chemical called bisphenol-A, or BPA which can contaminated the contained foods. BPA has been found to effect the way genes work which in turn can cause cancer growth. Even the FDA agree that there is a problem with the use of BPA. Tomatoes and their acidic properties are at greater risk of contamination from
Food Funny Food


Alcohol is the second largest cause of cancer after smoking! Excessive alcohol use is the main cause of mouth, esophagus, liver, colon, mouth, rectum, and female breast cancers.

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