Showing posts with label constipation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label constipation. Show all posts

Monday, September 26, 2022

Five ways to deal with bloating, constipation, gas and diarrhoea problems in 2021

Good Digestion Formula-Eat Fiber, Body moving, Intervals eating and avoid spicy food

This is my 4rth blog on what and when to eat have healthy digestive system. Bloating or constipation, gas and diarrhea problem starts when we all have bad digestive system in our body. By following a few simple tips, we all can help prevent these problems and promote a healthy digestive system.

1. Eat lots of fiber-rich foods

Fiber promotes healthy digestion by helping to remove waste from your body. It may also help lower your risk of colon cancer, help lower cholesterol, control blood sugar and help manage your body weight. Fibre-rich foods include:

•vegetables and fruit
•whole grain breads, pastas and cereals and
•legumes like beans, peas and lentils
Read Focus on Fiber to find out how much fibre you need and for tips on getting more fibre.

When adding fiber to your diet, do it slowly and drink plenty of liquids. Adding fibre too quickly without drinking enough liquids may cause pain and bloating.

2. Get your body moving all time?

Regular physical activity helps keep food moving through your digestive system. Try taking short walks during the day and use the stairs instead of the elevator to stay active. Adults need at least 150 minutes of physical activity a week. 

3. Eat and “go” regularly (intervals)

Eat regular meals and snacks during the day to help move food through your digestive system. Take time to eat even if you are having a busy day.

An important way to help prevent constipation is to go to the washroom when you feel you need to. As waste sits in your large intestine, water is slowly removed from it. This makes your stool harder and more difficult and sometimes painful to pass. The sooner your body can get rid of the waste, the softer your stool will be.


4. Avoid foods that may upset your stomach

You may find that some foods are more likely to upset your stomach than others. If you have heartburn, gas, constipation, celiac disease, diverticulitis, inflammatory bowel disease, or irritable bowel syndrome, you may find that specific foods trigger your symptoms. And this is different for everyone.

Some foods that commonly cause digestive pain are:
•spicy foods
•fatty or fried foods
•gas producing foods like beans, onions, broccoli, cabbage
•dairy products if you are lactose intolerant
Swallowed air makes up 90% of the gas in our digestive system. Here are some tips to help swallow less air and have less gas and bloating:

•Eat food slowly and try to relax while you eat.
•Drink from a glass. Don't use a straw or drink from a bottle or can.
•Avoid chewing gum and sucking on hard candy.
•Drink fluids lukewarm instead of hot. When you drink something hot, you swallow more air.
•If you smoke, try to stop.
Limit or avoid foods that give you an upset stomach or make you gassy and bloated. If you are lactose intolerant, remove lactose from your diet or try lactose-reduced foods.

 5. See your doctor

If you have gas, bloating, constipation, diarrhea or any other digestive problem regularly, it is important to see your doctor. These symptoms may be a sign of something more serious. Your doctor can help monitor your digestive health or refer you to a dietitian or specialist. If you have been diagnosed with any of the below conditions, see your doctor regularly:

•celiac disease
•inflammatory bowel disease or
•irritable bowel syndrome

From time to time, we all have digestive problems. By following a few tips, you can promote a healthy digestive system and lower your risk of digestive upset. If you have concerns about the symptoms you are having, see your doctor or dietitian

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