Showing posts with label Why North American should use Indian Spices in food. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Why North American should use Indian Spices in food. Show all posts

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Why North American Should use Indian Spices in food- Part 3

This is third part of my blog on benefits of indian species on our health.  They come in different

colors, red, yellow, green, brown, black, and brighten up you food ! They add taste, color and variety to the human existence and cause you to cringe in their absence. Just a pinch here or an extra there, can make a world of difference

Blog 1-Why North-american-should-use-indian Spices

17. Mustard (Rye) oil

It also helpful for treating diabetes and lowering cholesterol
This oil is good for body massage and even for getting good hair. It consists of omega-3 fatty acids. It is an excellent source of iron, zinc, manganese, calcium, protein etc 


Cumin is excellent for colds and fevers when infused in hot water and also purifies the blood and protects against stomach infections.

Blog 2-Why-north-american-should-use-indian spices

19. Dill seeds

These seeds with infusion of water relieves colic and hiccups.

20. Nutmeg

Nutmeg relieves diarrhea and colic

21. Chilli (Lal Mirch)

This spices helps to cope with cholesterol. It also helps burning calories

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Why North American Should use Indian Spices in food- Part 2

This is second part of my blog on benefits of indian species on ourt health.  They come in different colors, red, yellow, green, brown, black, and brighten up you food palette! They add taste, color and variety to the human existence and cause you to cringe in their absence. Just a pinch here or an extra there, can make a world of difference.

Blog 1-Why North-american-should-use-indian Spices

Here are some more health benefits of indian spices.

9. Tulsi (Ocimum)

Ocimum (Tulsi) is used for treating cough & cold.

10. Melon seeds and  pumpkin seeds

These seeds have health benefits like those provided by nuts. They are rich in omega-3 fatty acids and vitamins.


This spices is considered a key digestive and is used to treat stomach disorders.

12. Chilli pepper 

Eating chilli pepper soothes abdominal pain, nausea, and throat irritation

13. Saffron

Its presence gives color to a dish and absence, makes the occasion incomplete. What makes the saffron so wanted? Besides, being used for its saffron color as a spice, its commanding appearance ensures. This also helps Improvement of digestion and appetite. It is used for the treatment of kidney, bladder and liver disorders and improves circulation to the organs of digestion

14. Cloves

Cloves which are the dried flower buds of the clove tree are have been known to possess medicinal properties for centuries. They are known for their Anti-properties: Cloves are stimulating and have antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal and antiseptic properties.

16. Kala Namak (rock salt )

Kala Namak or rock salt Cure for flatulence and heartburn and Improves eyes sight

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