Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Do you agree with new reports -Women cheating/infidelity is now increasing

Do you agree with new reports -Women cheating/infidelity is now increasing


I think infidelity among woman is now increasing. Women may now beat man in this race. It’s not just women who feel trapped, bored, powerless, and lonely that takes on a lover. Its women who want, and can have it all. With a divorce rate exceeding 50 per cent and the new world census saying that traditional marriage is very much waning, infidelity may be becoming far more commonplace.

What is cheating happen?


In a very broad sense, cheating involves betraying a partner’s expectations about the type of contact they have with others.
When a husband or wife, boyfriend or girlfriend, violates one’s expectations about what is appropriate, people feel betrayed.  Keep in mind that relationships are not based on logic, but they are influenced by our emotions.

Accordingly, cheating is difficult to define because people differ in the type of contact they feel it is appropriate for a partner to have with someone else.

For example, some people believe that it is unacceptable for a partner to:

•Flirt with others
•Engage in sexual talk with someone else
•Exchange personal e-mails or text messages
•Deny being married or in a relationship
•Spend time with specific individuals
•Engage in specific types of contact – sleeping in the same bed with another person
•Purchase intimate gifts and presents for others
•Chat online with someone else (online affairs)
•Have sexual contact with someone else (physical infidelity)
•Become emotionally involved with someone else (emotional infidelity)
•Develop a crush or feelings for another individual
•Share their most private thoughts and feelings with someone else
•Become best friends with someone of the opposite sex
•And the list could go on and on....

Why woman cheat?

Here are some interesting reasons why women cheat:

Lack of intimacy

You have it all: the house, the two-car garage and the two-and-a-half bathrooms -- at least on the outside. But inside, the relationship is lacking the one thing women want most: intimacy. It’s not just sex that makes women feel connected in a relationship; it’s touching, kissing, cuddling, and communicating

Not enough sex

Remember the good old days when you could stay up forever fooling around? Then responsibility entered the mix -- and kids -- and before you knew it, sleep was more important than sex. To keep that spark alive, ask her out on date nights, send her provocative e-mails at lunch, and by all means, don’t let life get in the way of kissing, cuddling and sex.

Being the bad girl

Just as men feel the urge to sow their wild oats, some women have an inner sex kitten just waiting to be unleashed -- and when the beast escapes from the cage, look out.


Sex can be an instant pick-me-up; a self-esteem booster that makes women feels sexier, more beautiful and more loved.

Revenge for past wrongs


No, you didn’t cheat, but whether you blew your retirement fund in Vegas or got caught in a big lie, you did break her trust (and, possibly, her heart). She feels wounded and betrayed -- and wants to hurt you the same way you hurt her.

Your emotional withdrawal

Women are emotional beings. Not only do they need physical support, but they also need emotional support. Once you retreat from the relationship, she sees it as a sign that things are through -- a breakup is inevitable. 


Bedroom boredom

Sex can become monotonous if you let it -- the same position; the same setting; the same person. An affair adds adventure and gets her adrenalin flowing.

Exit strategy

Instead of breaking up with you, she cheats on you. That way she doesn’t have to deal with the broken relationship, which is much harder to fix.

Revenge cheating

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. Because you cheated, she wants to get back at you and give you a dose of your own medicine.

Now let us see those two reports in newspapers.



First report- Women beat men in the adultery stakes

When it comes to playing away women tend to rack up more lovers than men, according to self-confessed adulterers. Research into the behaviour of 4,000 cheats’ claims women are more promiscuous, having an average of 2.3 secret lovers compared to a mere 1.8 for men. The UK Adultery Survey 2012 found that once women decide to play away they are far more likely to play the field in search of love

While men claim the pursuit of sexual excitement, boredom with their marriages and the need of an ego boost are the main reasons for cheating, women say they are looking for emotional fulfillment, an improvement to their self-esteem and romance.
Female adulterers are also far more prone to falling in love with their illicit lovers than their male equivalents. Emily Pope of Undercover Lovers, a dating site for married people seeking affairs with some 600,000 members, said the results of the survey challenged the commonly held view that men are more adulterous than women.

'Once they have made the huge decision to have an affair, women have far more opportunity to actually find someone to cheat with and are generally in control of deciding if and when to consummate the relationship once they do,' she said. The survey also found that women are likely to be the first to get itchy feet in a marriage.

While unfaithful men don’t have their first affair until almost six years of married life the average female cheater strays just five years after exchanging wedding vows.
They are also usually younger than men when they stray with the average female adulterer starting at 37 compared to 42 for men.

Emily added: 'More and more neurological research is revealing that male and female brains are programmed differently when it comes to relationships.
'The results of our survey bear this out, with our adulteresses seemingly seeking something far more emotionally meaningful from their affairs than their male partners.'
Both sexes agree that monogamy is an unnatural state for humans even though 76 per cent of women and 67 per cent of men claim to still love the spouse they are cheating on and more than 80 per cent of both sexes intend to stay married.
However, the research also found that many adulterers are hypocrites.
More than 40 per cent of women and almost 30 per cent of male would ask for a divorce if they discovered their spouse was having an affair.


Second Report-Why women are the new adulterers?

Recent incident of David Petraeus affair with his personal biographer Paula Broadwell is one example. This time it involves the resignation of CIA director David Petraeus over his affair with his personal biographer Paula Broadwell.

Why women are the new adulterers

On the surface this seems to be just another story of powerful men behaving adulterously. There is very little new with men having affairs with younger women. However, this time it may be different. For one, Paula Broadwell is a woman of substance. Broadwell is a graduate of Harvard and a former West Point track star. She is an accomplished writer as well as a lieutenant colonel in the U.S. army. She’s not the powerless secretary or intern. Paula Broadwell is also married. And from all accounts it appeared to be Broadwell doing the chasing.

How did she manage to entice a man at the top of his game like David Petraeus? How did she deal with the guilt of stepping out on her own husband and children? Thoughts about infidelity seem to be changing among women. It’s no longer shock and judgment of the rare, adulterous harlot. More and more women are asking how do you go about making the decision to have an affair, and more importantly, how do you not get caught?

So why are women quickly catching up to men in the area of infidelity? Is it the cougar and infidelity websites or the fact that we can find high school sweethearts on Facebook? Is it that we are sick of the double standard where only men get a break from monogamy? Is it that women’s sex lives have dwindled at home?

Research has found that many have affairs because they were simply looking for attention that they weren’t getting from their husbands. They wanted to feel special. And they had the opportunity to “work late.” Or is it as simple as they fell in love with someone else? I think all women are looking for positive, sensuous attention. If we aren’t getting those needs met at home, the temptation to stray will be strong. For women, sex doesn’t take long to get once the decision has been made. Finding intimacy, friendship and that flirtatious feeling of being attractive — now that’s harder to find.

Researcher also found that women about the best sex of their lives they invariably talk about parking, picnic blankets, or any place outside of the bedroom as their most memorable romps. They also talk about long bouts of foreplay and the anticipation and excitement of the situation — rather than the actual deed. Like the back seat of car during those hot, high school petting sessions. Men, alternatively, seem to prefer interesting positions and extra-long duration as their best sex. But women seem to like to experience the whole story. Whether it is flirting over a glass of wine, playful banter, women prefer anything but the same old bedroom experiences. Romance books understand this need. There is a reason for the popularity of “mommy porn” such as the 30 million copies of 50 Shades of Grey sold to date. I think everyone needs sexual adventure. The easiest thing to do is to take on a new partner. The harder thing to do is to keep up the heat year after year with the same partner. Married life without good sex, fun and excitement is like the steak without the sizzle.

Adultery: According to research women are more promiscuous among self confessed cheats

So with time infidelity is going to become increasingly commonplace. And I think women may lead the charge. It’s not just women who feel trapped, bored, powerless, and lonely that takes on a lover. Its women who want, and can have it all — Paula Broadwell, for example. With a divorce rate exceeding 50 per cent and the new Canadian census saying that traditional marriage is very much waning, infidelity may be becoming far more commonplace.

(Source-Ottawa citizen)

Summary- so both news reports show that woman are now catching up with men cheating/infidelity scale.

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