Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Tips for Burning Calories Faster for loosing Weight (10 calories per minute)

This is my 10th blog on related to have a good health. In this blog will you will find information about burning Calories Faster for loosing Weight.


People often say that they don't have time to exercise, but I disagree. Everyone can spare 10 -20 minutes a day to work out. One of my personal goals is to do something active every day, even if it's just for 10 minutes. So even on my busiest days, I won't make excuses. And I definitely won't convince myself that 10 minutes is too little to really matter. Ten minutes does matter—and it really does add up to big benefits for your body. If all you only did 10 minutes of exercise per day, that's 70 minutes and potentially 700+ calories that you could burn over the course of a week. So when you're short on time and can only muster a short workout, intensity is the key. Work harder for the most benefit and the biggest calorie burn for your buck. Really make those minutes count! Here are tons of workouts that burn around 100 calories (or more) in just 10 minutes, while also strengthening your heart and lungs and helping your blast stress. Now that is a worthwhile way to spend a few minutes of your time.

Main key for loosing weight faster is short workout with intensity…

15 Ways to Burn 100 Calories in 10 Minutes

1. Cycling (12+ mph) or mountain biking

2. Racquetball (10 minutes)

3. Running (at least 12 minutes per mile)

4. Swimming laps or treading water

5. Playing basketball (10 minutes)

6. Spinning class or stationary biking ((10 minutes)

7. Rowing (10 minutes)

8. Boxing (10 minutes)

9. Martial arts (10 minutes)

10. Digging (heavy yard work)

11. Jumping rope (continuously)

12. Jumping jacks (10 minutes)

13. Rock climbing (10 minutes)

14. Walking on the treadmill (at least 4 mph with a 5% incline)

15. Water jogging (10 minutes)

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