Showing posts with label smoking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label smoking. Show all posts

Thursday, January 21, 2021

No excuse you can quit smoking easily in 2021

Very easy Ways to quit smoking for healthy 2021

This is my second part of Article on smoking. In the first one we sew some myths and interesting facts about smoking. In this article you will see Very easy Ways to quit smoking.

No excuse you can quit smoking easily in 2014

There are many ways to quit smoking, and it is important to find the method that works best for you. Some people prefer to quit smoking all of a sudden (also known as quitting “cold turkey”); others find they are more comfortable gradually reducing how much they smoke. Some may say they were able to quit all on their own, without any help, but others give a lot of credit to support groups. Everyone is unique, and everyone has a different method for quitting smoking. Know what your options are when you quit and use the resources available to improve your chances of success.

Self-help and individual counselling cool tricks 

People who prefer to quit on their own may benefit from self-help books and pamphlets, videos, stop-smoking websites, or other resources. While self-help methods can lead to successful quitting, brief counselling with facilitators or health care providers appears to be more helpful. Doctors, pharmacists, dentists, and nurses are all options for people who would like individual counselling before or during their quitting process. You can also try calling a help-line for some advice on quitting smoking.

No excuse you can quit smoking easily in 2014

Why Specialized counselling a good idea

In some communities there are smoking cessation or addiction clinics that offer specialized counselling for people who are interested in quitting smoking. Often these clinics will have highly trained specialists who can offer advice and counselling to smokers. People who have made several unsuccessful attempts to quit smoking and people with a high level of dependence on smoking may be most likely to benefit from these clinics. These clinics may also be helpful for people who are trying to deal with other medical or addiction problems as well as smoking.

No excuse you can quit smoking easily in 2014

Try Group programs

Research shows that group programs are some of the most successful methods for quitting smoking. These programs usually have class sizes of about 4 to 12 people, each facing similar challenges. These programs may be led by a facilitator or counsellor who specializes in smoking cessation. There are also mutual aid groups, which allow smokers to support each other in a group setting without a formal counsellor.

Use good Medications


There are many medications available that may be helpful when quitting smoking. Here are some examples of smoking cessation medications that are available in Canada:

•nicotine gum or lozenges
•nicotine patches
•nicotine inhalers
It appears that using smoking cessation medications as directed together with behavioural programs, such as counselling or self-help methods, significantly increases a person’s chances of quitting smoking. Nicotine gum, lozenges, inhalers, and patches are all available over-the-counter at most drugstores in Canada.

Bupropion and varenicline require a prescription and they must be taken 1 or 2 weeks before your quit date. Talk to your doctor or pharmacist to see if these medications are right for you.

If you are a light smoker (less than 10 cigarettes a day) or a teen (13 to 18 years old), or if you use smokeless tobacco (e.g., chewing tobacco), you may not benefit as much from smoking cessation medications. Talk to your doctor or pharmacist about the best smoking cessation methods for you.

Alternative therapies

Although it is possible that some people may benefit from alternative therapies, there is not enough research showing that these treatments are effective. Therefore, the following forms of treatment are not currently recommended: hypnosis, acupuncture, laser therapy, acupressure, and electro stimulation.

It is important to be patient with yourself during your quitting process and not to give up if one of these methods doesn’t work. Be open to different types of quitting methods and remember that just because one method didn’t work in the past, it doesn’t mean it won’t work in the future.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Fascinating myths and truth about smoking

New Truth about smoking

First of all I want to wish my readers a very happy new year 2014. This is my first article on health in 2014; in this article you will find Interesting myths and truth about smoking. Are you a smoker or not, please read this article for getting the in-depth information about smoking. By reading this you can not only yourself or any other near dear.

There are a lot of things you should know about smoking, but here are the most important.

Fascinating myths and truth about smoking

1. If you quit smoking, your children will be less likely to smoke

You probably already know that second-hand smoke from your smoking puts your child’s health at risk. But did you know that if you quit, you’re also protecting your children from future harm to their health? When kids see parents or family members smoking, they can come to think of smoking has just a normal thing to do, and they are more likely to take up smoking themselves. If you do smoke, quitting or at least cutting back is the best example you can set for your kids.

2. There is no best way to quit smoking

Many roads can lead to a smoke-free life. A friend may have told you that the patch worked wonders for them, while your cousin swears by nicotine gum, and your boss quit cold turkey. Everyone is unique, and different methods of quitting will appeal to different people. You have multiple methods to choose from and try out. Discuss your quit-smoking options with your doctor, and try a few until you find what works best for you

Fascinating myths and truth about smoking

3. About one-half of people who smoke die from smoking-related disease

Nearly 50% of people who smoke will die from smoking-related health problems and on average, smokers will die 8 years earlier than non-smokers. Smoking causes several types of cancer – among them lung, bladder, and throat cancers – and breathing problems like emphysema and chronic bronchitis. Smoking can also contribute to heart and blood vessel problems, including heart disease, heart attack, and stroke.

The good news is that after you’ve stopped smoking, the health benefits kick in right away. Your risk of heart-related problems will start to decrease, and after 5 years of not smoking, your risk will fall to the same level as that of a non-smoker.

4. You may have to try quitting several times before you are successful

When it comes to quitting smoking, get ready to try, try again. If it takes you a few tries to quit successfully, you are definitely not alone! Setbacks and relapses are natural parts of the process of quitting for good. Consider each setback a lesson learned each slip-up a source of new wisdom. A relapse is only a bad thing if you don’t learn from it!

5. Successfully quitting smoking is not all about will power

Nicotine addiction can be very powerful, and even the strongest-willed quitters can relapse. That’s because when you quit smoking, you are likely to face two strong obstacles: craving and compulsion.
Craving is a conscious drive that can be triggered by things in your environment – like your daily habits and routines (smoke breaks, after-meal cigarettes). You can control cravings.
Compulsion, on the other hand, can be a forceful, unconscious drive to smoke – despite the fact that you know you shouldn’t, despite knowing how bad it is for you.
So, to really quit smoking, you may need more than sheer will power: You need to prepare yourself with tactics to help you avoid your “craving triggers,” and you need to be aware of the ways that the drug nicotine can affect you both consciously and subconsciously.

Fascinating myths and truth about smoking

6. Smoking can affect men and women differently

While all people who smoke are at higher risk of health issues, men and women may face risks unique to their sex. For example, women who smoke increase their risk of cancers of the cervix and uterus. And if a woman smokes and takes birth control pills, her stroke risk is heightened as well. In male smokers, fertility problems and low sperm count become more common, and blood vessel damage caused by smoking can lead to erectile dysfunction.

7. You don’t have to quit smoking on your own

Quitting smoking is difficult. But it can be less difficult if you enlist the support of family, friends, your doctor, or a counsellor. When you have a support system, you have someone to turn to when you feel like giving in and lighting up. Your supporters can be there to talk to you, join you for a walk, or help get your mind off smoking. Although many people can quit on their own, most people are more successful if they receive counselling from a health care provider.

8. You can significantly increase your chances of successfully quitting if you take the time to make a plan

Get off on the right foot by thinking ahead about potential obstacles and challenges you’ll face when you’re trying to quit – especially in those tricky early weeks. Your plan should include your pros and cons of quitting, a list of folks in your support system (family, friends, doctor, counsellor, etc.), the rewards you’ll give yourself when you do well, and strategies to help you handle cravings and triggers.

9. A positive attitude can work wonders when it comes to quitting smoking

Avoid criticizing or punishing yourself if you have weak moments. Research shows that beating yourself up doesn’t usually help – it only makes you feel bad, which in turn, may make you want to reach for a cigarette even more. Emotions are a natural cause for cravings – so don’t spark them yourself!

10. Cigarettes contain more than 4,000 chemicals, many of which are cancer-causing

Although nicotine itself doesn’t cause cancer, there are many chemicals produced in cigarette smoke that harm the body and can cause cancer. Chemicals released by cigarettes include carbon monoxide, tar, cyanide, benzene, and formaldehyde.

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