This is my third part of blog on tips to reduce back pain in holidays. In first part we learn that preventing injury and Managing Pain. The best medicine is prevention! Keep your back healthy and you won’t have to deal with the trauma of a bad back.
Belly or any other dancing can improve your back health and a fun way to fun exercis. In belly
dancing, proper posture is important. I recently hurt my back and found a great deal of relief from taking on this standing posture: Bend your knees slightly, tilt your pelvis forward so your tailbone points straight down and stand tall and roll your shoulders back. It may not sound comfortable, but it will relieve back pain
2.Sleep with legs elevated
Try to sleep with my legs elevated, which decreases pressure on lower back and also helps with restless legs. I do stretches every morning and really notice if I skip them.
3.Avoid heavy lifting
Avoid heavy lifting as much as possible, though hugging my son is unavoidable.
4. Hands-on therapy
Use moist heat and/or moist cold. Put a wrung out face cloth between you and the hot water bottle.
5.Use crushed ice in a wet towel
You can also make an ice pack crushed ice in a wet towel. You can then put the pack into a resalable plastic bag. Using moist therapy helps relieve deeper aches and pains. Do not apply either hot or cold packs for more than 20 minutes at a time
6.Aromatherapy bubbles Bath
For doing this first lie on heating pad on medium until your back relaxes, then my take a nice bath with aromatherapy bubbles to relax.
7. Professional help
Visit a qualified physiotherapist or massage therapist to learn stretching techniques, appropriate for your age/condition. Then develop a routine of daily stretching. It will take a few minutes, but you will be much more comfortable for the rest of the day.
8.Lift with your knees, not your back
Follow this old and true saying goes: 'Lift with your knees, not your back.