This is my fourth part of blog on tips to reduce back pain. In first part we learn that preventing
injury and Managing Pain. The best medicine is prevention! Keep your back healthy and you won’t have to deal with the trauma of a bad back.
Once back pain hits, first, take Tynol (every 4 hours), then lie on your back on the floor, knees bent, feet flat on floor. Slowly raise one knee to the chest and hug for 15-20 seconds then repeat with other knee. Once you can do this and the pain is not too great, raise both knees and hug tightly feeling the long muscles in your back stretching and hopefully relaxing.
Keep walking
Try not to let a day go by without walking for at least 30 minutes. When you are old it doesn't take long for muscles to seize up. Once you feel the stiffness immediately use exercise machine until your back pain is gone
Another good tip for both preventing and relieving back pain is to use a memory foam topper on your bed. This will give your back the support and comfort it needs to relax.
Use plywood

You can use thin sheet of plywood between the mattress and the box spring.This way your back will get more support and less back pain.

I heard that lot of back pain is related to constipation. So try to get in plenty of fibre, in the form of nuts, fruit and vegetables, and of course drink plenty of water.
Keep Moving
Keep Moving! Before getting out of bed in the morning, pull your legs up to your chest to stretch your back muscles and hold for at least 30 seconds. Repeat a couple of times.
Take up balance ball or yoga
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Take up balance ball or yoga. Don't let the pain get out of control.
Pain medication
You may have to take pain medication to help, and if you do, don't be afraid to take it on a regular basis and don't wait till the pain is severe.