Showing posts with label Printable tip sheet to make your work day healthier (save money). Show all posts
Showing posts with label Printable tip sheet to make your work day healthier (save money). Show all posts

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Printable tip sheet to make your work day healthier (save money)

How to make your work day healthier

Since many of us spend many of our waking hours at work, many meals take place in this environment. Use these tips to add some healthy habits into your workday routine. With some effort and know-how, fitting healthy eating and physical activity into your work day can be done. Use the tips that suit you best and work with your colleagues to promote health in the entire workplace.

Planning ahead-What To Eat


1. Start your day with a healthy breakfast that includes foods from three of the four food groups

2. Bring your lunch as often as possible to control your food options and save money. For healthy lunch ideas, see Brown bag it to work.

3. For quick lunch ideas, prepare Minestrone Soup or Mango Chicken Wraps in advance and bring them to work in re-sealable containers.

4. If you are always on the go and your busy job means little time to stop and eat, plan ahead with My Menu Planner’s On the Go menu for busy adults.

Healthy Snacking-Healthy Mind

5. Make better choices at the coffee shop. If you like flavored drinks like lattes, ask for “half sweet” so they will have less sugar. Reduce full fat drinks by asking for 2%, 1% or skim milk.

6. Keep healthy snacks at your workspace. Stock drawers with whole grain crackers and cereal; dried fruit; instant oatmeal; popcorn and unsalted nuts.

7. If workplace meetings include platters of croissants and donuts, bring your own healthy snack with you like a yogurt or unsalted nuts. Or suggest that meetings have fresh fruit or veggies and dip instead.

8. If you have a fridge at work, stock it with nutritious mid-day snacks: fruit, vegetables, low-fat cheese, lower fat yogurt, cottage cheese, fortified soy beverages and hummus.

9. Keep the office candy dish out of sight so you’re not tempted to “have just one more” when you walk by.

10. Instead of the office candy dish, have a workplace fruit bowl. Have your coworkers stock it with their favorite fruit and challenge each other to try new kinds they’ve never tried before.

11. Don’t rely on sugar for all-day energy. Instead, choose snacks that are high in protein and fiber, such as Protein Bars or Canadian Yogurt.

12. Drink plenty of water to stay alert. Low fat milk and unsweetened herbal tea are also good options. Limit sweet beverages like pop and juice because the calories add up quickly.

13. Stock vending machines with nature squares, fruit bars, unsalted nuts or canned fruit.

14. Drinking caffeinated beverages can help you stay alert, but try not to consume more than 400 mg of caffeine a day (four small cups of regular coffee).


Lunch break-Bring your own


15. In the food court, don’t be tricked by super-sized meal combos that offer value over nutrition. You may get more pop and fries, but you also get extra fat, sugar, sodium and calories. Instead, find ways to get more veggies into your meal.

16. Find a grocery store that’s close to your workplace. Look for affordable, healthy lunch options such as pre-made sandwiches, salads, yogurt and fruit.

17. Skip the weekly pizza party and request healthier catered lunches with lots of fruit, vegetables, whole grains and lean protein. See more tips in Eat Well at Work.

18. Learn about making healthier food choices at restaurants and cafeterias by reading Top 10 Tips for Eating Out and Cafeteria Food - Spot the Healthy Choices.

19. Restaurant portions are often oversized. Share a large meal with a friend, or eat half the meal and wrap up the leftovers.

20. Read online menus and check nutrition information for restaurants. This can help you choose options that are lower in sugar, sodium and fat before you dine. Or look for the Health Check symbol.

21. Always carry healthy snacks when you’re on the go. Even if you grab take-out, you can still pair the meal with your own carrot sticks or apple to boost the nutrition.


Stay food safe-less sickness

22. Keep your lunch safe and germ-free by storing perishable items in the fridge. If there is no onsite kitchen, add an ice pack or frozen water bottle to your lunch bag.

23. Wash your hands before eating. If a sink is not convenient, keep hand sanitizer with you.

24. If you dine at your desk, sanitize it afterwards. Desks have more bacteria than toilet seats, but using sanitizer can reduce bacteria by 99 percent.


Staying active at work

25. Take a walk or do some stretching during your lunch break. Being more active can increase energy levels, reduce stress and help control weight.

26. Set a goal to try to take the stairs at least once a day where you can.

27. Take advantage if your workplace provides discounts for local gyms and sports teams. If they don’t, suggest the idea to the human resources department.

28. Get involved in your community and get fit at the same time. Find out about local charities that raise funds through walk-a-thons or bike rides. Motivate colleagues to raise money and train for the event together.

29. Join a yoga or walking club with your colleagues. If your workplace does not offer these options, be a self-starter and get the ball rolling.

30. If you’ve had a long day sitting or standing in one spot, do some stretching and strengthening exercises.

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