Showing posts with label New Seaweed supplement may aid weight loss (expert views). Show all posts
Showing posts with label New Seaweed supplement may aid weight loss (expert views). Show all posts

Monday, June 18, 2012

New Seaweed supplement may aid weight loss (expert review)

What are Seaweed supplement?

Seaweed is an algae that forms striking underwater seaweed forests in not only shallow oceans, but in the deep sea as well. It feeds through its fronds (growths resembling leaves of palm trees or many types of ferns), absorbing its nourishment from the nutrient rich

seas and oceans or along their rocky shores. Many mineral elements (micro nutrients and electrolytes) absorbed from the water by the seaweed are quite beneficial to humans. Working holistically, it assists the body in its own immune system / healing process. Seaweed has been found to have a positive effect in the human body, including areas of diseases such as tuberculosis, heart disease, colds, influenza, cancer, arthritis, and, of course, with thyroid problems (thanks to its high iodine content). Seaweed, such as kelp, aids weight loss by swelling in the stomach, reducing food cravings by creating a full

feeling. Homeopaths have known about the benefits of seaweed for hundreds of years concerning their weight-loss benefits through detoxification. Seaweed, and hence seaweed supplements, has more than 50 minerals and trace elements as well as iodine, which are essential to regulate the thyroid gland. The life-giving properties of seaweed nourish the mitochondria, where energy for cell function is manufactured, as well as help to maintain the structure and function of cell membranes. It contains antioxidants to aid the body in its fight against such health conditions as cancer and degenerative diseases associated with the aging process. In addition, many of its micronutrients are anti-inflammatory. Aside from incorporating seaweed into the diet by adding to or sprinkling on (comes not only dried but toasted and sugared as well) anything you normally eat or drink - as it does come in granulated, seaweed based salt substitutes or powdered forms - there are also seaweed supplements which come in capsules. A seaweed supplement can be taken as recommended on the container. When you stack up the benefits of eating seaweed as opposed to not, and being fully aware of its potential to change factors of your life from the negative to the positive, it would seem foolish to ask if one should supplement. Still, there are facts that do need to be known about the sea plant before you start anything new, even if you are battling menopause or a digestive condition such as gas or chronic constipation, where you feel seaweed or seaweed supplements can help. So, what are some potential side effects and negative reactions to eating seaweed and seaweed supplements?

An excessive intake of dried seaweed can cause carotenodermia, or yellowing of the skin because of the carotenes, though this is not a common occurrence. Seaweed is a rich source of iodine and, in countries where seaweed is a widely consumed additive, goiters due to excessive iodine are more common. This phenomenon, though, tends to disappear when the seaweed is eliminated from the diet, or in some cases just reduced, as iodine affects different people in different ways.

There are blue-green algae common throughout the Indian, Pacific and Caribbean oceans which are known to be toxic and will colonize other seaweeds. This algae has been known to cause contact dermatitis (stinging seaweed dermatitis). Several other seaweeds, generally considered nontoxic, occasionally disrupt the gastrointestinal tract when ingested in some people. There have also been reports of cholera linked to eating raw seaweed. Be sure to get seaweed supplements and products from reputable sources that will stand behind what they provide for the public.
New Research- Seaweed supplement may aid weight loss

A seaweed-based fiber supplement, taken daily before meals, helped people lose weight in a new study. But that was only the case among people who stuck with the diet study over a few months. More than one-fifth of people dropped out when they couldn't tolerate the supplement's taste, texture and side effects. Researchers have explored the potential of seaweed as an appetite suppressant, but so far products haven't panned out. "There have been problems in the past to develop something (that tastes) acceptable," said Dr. Arne Astrup, one of the study's authors from the University of Copenhagen and a member of the advisory board to S-Biotek, a Danish company that provided funding for the study.
Previous seaweed-based supplements were slimy and caused bloating, and they also had a fishy taste. The new supplement used in this study is less unpleasant -- but there's still room for improvement, said Astrup. The supplement is based on the seaweed extract alginate, a thickening agent and a common ingredient in foods like soups and jellies. It's also increasingly used by the weight-loss industry, marketed as an appetite suppressant. Packaged in powder form and mixed with liquid, alginate expands in the stomach to form a thick gel, mimicking the effect of a large meal. "This gel is really like a pudding that will last in the stomach for hours, gradually degrading and disappearing," Astrup said. For the study, the researchers randomly divided 96 generally healthy but obese people, aged 20 to 55, into two groups.

One group was given packets of the gel supplement, containing 15 grams of fiber, and the other got a seaweed-free placebo drink. Neither the researchers nor the participants knew who was receiving the seaweed supplement. In terms of calories, flavor and appearance, the placebo and treatment drink were identical. For three months, study participants drank the supplements, dissolved in two cups of water, 30 minutes before each meal. They were also told to cut back on calories. By the end of the trial, sixteen people had dropped out of the study, including 10 out of 48 from the seaweed group, according to findings published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Among people who stuck with the trial, those on the fiber supplement lost 15 pounds, on average, compared to 11 pounds in the placebo group. But when all 96 original participants were included in the analysis, the researchers found no significant difference in weight loss between the two treatment groups.
Previous studies have shown eating a high-fiber diet can help reduce the hunger pangs that may lead to over-eating and derail a healthy diet plan. Still, the new results should be treated with caution, according to Dr. Maria Vazquez Roque, who has worked on alginate-based gels at the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, Florida, but was not involved in the study. Just looking at the effect of the supplement on people who finished the treatment can bias the findings, she said. For Mette Kristensen, one of the study's authors, the message seems clear: "If you actually comply with the treatment, you do have the improvement in weight loss."However, effects on blood pressure were less promising. Systolic blood pressure -- the top number on a blood pressure reading -- fell by almost six points on average in the placebo group over the 12-week study, but by just over one point in the treatment group. At times during the trials, systolic blood pressure increased in the alginate group by one to two points.According to the researchers, the higher sodium content of the alginate drink -- a little over one gram per dose, or about half a teaspoon of salt -- could have offset any potential blood-pressure reducing effect of the supplement. The American Heart Association recommends that adults eat less than 1.5 g of sodium per day.Questions remain about the safety of the fiber supplement over the long term. Five people taking the fiber gel left the study due to problems with stomach bloating, nausea and diarrhea. Two people taking a placebo supplement, which didn't contain the seaweed fiber, experienced similar problems.
There are many different types of alginate, said Richard Mattes, who has studied the effect of alginate fiber on appetite at Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana -- so the trick is to find the right alginate in the right dose. And just feeling less hungry due to a supplement won't make you lose weight unless you eat fewer calories, said Mattes, who was not involved in the new study. The research group is working on a new supplement that uses 80 percent less alginate, with less sodium, better taste and fewer side effects than the current formula, Astrup told Reuters Health. Alginate as an aid to weight loss is already commercially available in pill form and costs around $45 for a seven-day supply. These supplements are not regulated by the Food and Drug Administration, said Vazquez Roque.
(SOURCE: American Journal of Clinical Nutrition)

What experts are saying about this study-?

According to, here are the results:

Our Review Summary
This was a very complete analysis of an intriguing, but limited, research finding.  The story addressed all 10 of our criteria.  The strong caveat in the second sentence – and others later – leaves no doubt in the reader’s mind.
Why This Matters
It’s OK to report on preliminary findings when you question the quality of the evidence as clearly as this story did.
 Does the story adequately discuss the costs of the intervention?
The story explained that alginate as an aid to weight loss is already available in pill form, selling for around $45 for a seven-day supply.
 Does the story adequately quantify the benefits of the treatment/test/product/procedure?
The story quantified the weight loss, with caveats about “no significant difference between the two treatment groups when all 96 original participants were included in the analysis.
 Does the story adequately explain/quantify the harms of the intervention?
The story was clear about the unpleasant nature of the supplement – and how it contributed to study dropouts. And the story mentioned concerns about long term safety – with some study participants having bloating, nausea, and diarrhea.  The story also noted that blood pressure did not drop as much in the supplement group as with placebo, perhaps due to the sodium content of the supplement.
 Does the story seem to grasp the quality of the evidence?
Excellent job explaining the caveats and limitations of the research.
 Does the story commit disease-mongering?
No disease mongering.

 Does the story use independent sources and identify conflicts of interest?
Two independent sources were quoted.  Industry funding for the study was disclosed.
 Does the story compare the new approach with existing alternatives?
There was an important reminder that “just feeling less hungry due to a supplement won’t make you lose weight unless you eat fewer calories.” The story could have mentioned other evidence-based weight loss approaches including behavioral weight loss counseling.
 Does the story establish the availability of the treatment/test/product/procedure?
The fact that alginate is already available in pill form – and that the FDA does not regulate such supplements – was mentioned.
 Does the story establish the true novelty of the approach?
References to past research on seaweed supplements were made.
 Does the story appear to rely solely or largely on a news release?
It’s clear the story didn’t rely solely on a news release.
Total Score: 10 of 10 Satisfactory

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