Showing posts with label How Mangos Regulate Blood Sugar Levels among Obese People. Show all posts
Showing posts with label How Mangos Regulate Blood Sugar Levels among Obese People. Show all posts

Monday, April 29, 2013

How Mangos Regulate Blood Sugar Levels among Obese People

Mangos Regulate Blood Sugar Levels among Obese

This is very good news. I love mangoes. Before we see this benefit, let us see some more health benefits of mangoes.

What are Mangoes?

Mangoes are orangey yellow fruits with hard stones in the center. The skins of the mangoes are smooth and bright with a deep orangey color. The fleshes of the mangoes are juicy, sweet and tangy with a rich fruity mango flavor. However, some mangoes are green, white and reddish pink in color. Mangoes grow on mango evergreen trees that are over 60 feet tall with deep green long oval shaped leaves and sweet scent white flowers.

The Nutrients in Mangoes

Healthy Fats
Vitamins A, E, C and B
Glutamine Acid

Many Health Benefits of Mangoes

1. Digestion

When you have digestive issues such as constipation, diarrhea, heartburn or nausea, snacking on fresh mangoes can help provide your digestive tract with the enzymes and nutrients it needs to properly break down food and soothe digestive discomforts away naturally. I find it helpful to add mangoes to some of my meals such as stir-fries and salads to prevent digestive discomforts caused by indigestion.


2. Colon cancer

In addition, mangoes can help prevent digestive diseases and cancers like colon cancer, IBS, stomach cancer and Crohn’s diseases due to the high fiber content in them that can help push waste and toxins out of the body naturally.

3. Sexual mood

If you are trying to improve your sex life snacking on mangoes throughout the day can help increase sex hormones so you are in a sexual mood when your partner is too. Heck, even feeding your partners slices of mangoes dipped in dark chocolate can help get some romance and passion started in the bedroom naturally since mangoes and chocolate are natural aphrodisiacs.
Now having a bowl of freshly chopped up mangoes for snack or breakfast can even help protect the heart by from diseases by keeping cholesterol levels low and blood vessels healthy and strong. The nutrients in mangoes can even help prevent heart attacks and strokes.

4. Skin glowing

If you are looking for a way to stay young and beautiful snacking on mangoes can help you to do just that. Mangoes contain powerful phytonutrients in them that can help fight off the free radical cells that cause gaining. In addition, mangoes contain nutrients in them that help keep the skin glowing, bright, and plump and acne free naturally.
I personally add mangoes to my fruit smoothies to help keep my mind thinking and my fatigued depressed feelings away naturally. I also find snacking on mangoes when I have anxiety attacks helps ease them away naturally due to all the B vitamins they contain.

New Research- How Mangos Regulate Blood Sugar Levels among Obese People

The positive health effects of Mangos have been recently explored and presented by researchers at the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB). They found that mangos have properties that can help regulate blood sugar levels among people suffering from obesity.

 Spelling - the plural of "mango" is "mangos" or "mangoes".

The study, which was led by Edralin Lucas, Ph.D., evaluated what effect eating mangos everyday would have on a total of twenty obese adult people. The participants ate 10 grams of freeze-dried mango every day for 12 weeks. At the end of the study period they found that the blood sugar levels of the participants were much lower than at the start of the study.

Among both genders there wasn't any substantial change in body composition; however, BMIs (body mass indexes) went up among the female participants. The authors noted that these results are only from a single study and that more research is necessary to fully understand the health effects of mango consumption among obese people.  Obesity is a serious public health issue in the U.S., where a total of twelve states have 30+% obesity rates today, compared to just one in 2007. Since 1995, obesity rates have risen by 90+% in 10 states and have doubled in another 7. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), obesity is a main cause of: type 2 diabetes, breast and colon cancer, coronary heart disease, stroke, hypertension, liver and gallbladder disease and high cholesterol. Researchers have long been looking for factors that can help prevent the health effects of obesity. This study, along with others, shows promise for those suffering from the condition.
According to Dr. Lucas,"The results of this study support what we learned in our recent animal model, which found that mango improved blood glucose in mice fed a high fat diet. Although the mechanism by which mango exerts its effects warrants further investigation, we do know that mangos contain a complex mixture of polyphenolic compounds. Research has shown that several other plants and their polyphenolic compounds, such as isoflavone from soy, epigallocatechin gallate from green tea , and proanthocyanidin from grape seed , have a positive effect on adipose tissue."
An average mango has an energy value per 100g of approximately 60 kcal, they have numerous health benefits and nutrients, they are naturally high in prebiotic dietary fiber (substances that encourage the growth of beneficial bacteria, not to be confused with probiotics), vitamin C, and antioxidant vitamins A and C, as well as vitamin B6. Mango contains triterpene and lupeol, which have been found to be an effective inhibitor in laboratory models of prostate and skin cancer.
The health benefits of mango consumption have been explored in previous studies,. Texas AgriLife Research food scientists found that mango able to prevent or stop certain colon and breast cancer cells in the lab.
(Source- Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology)

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