Showing posts with label Home Remedies for Cough. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Home Remedies for Cough. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 8, 2023

HOW A Cough GO away In Five Minutes with Home remedies


A Cough GO away In Five Minutes with Home remedies

I have use following  Cough go away In Five Minutes  Home remedies. Please try and share your experience.

Given that a cough can be a sign of a condition or totally harmless, when should you see a doctor? When a cough is present for more than two weeks, it is reasonable to contact a health care provider for additional testing.

1.       Add Honey To Your Drinks

Honey has been found to be helpful in alleviating cough, either on its own or as part of a cup of tea, It can also temp down pain and help fight off viral infections, according to Penn Medicine. Just add two tablespoons of honey to a mug of warm water or hot tea to reap these benefits.

2   Drink Ginger Tea

Ginger is well known for its power in calming an upset stomach. Turns out it can also work wonders for a cough. Ginger has been found to be helpful in reducing cough and alleviating sore throat, and ginger lozenges are widely used for this purpose.

The root also has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that are beneficial in treating a variety of conditions, he adds. Brew some ginger tea by using a teabag or pouring hot water over some fresh slices.

3  Gargle With Salt Water

A simple way to ease a cough is with salt water. It may help cut down the duration of a cough, a 2019 study found. While it may sting a little at first, this solution is effective for killing bacteria, loosening up mucus, and diminishing pain.

4  Water Hydrate

Hydration is important on any given day, but it can be especially crucial when you have a cough. Staying well hydrated can help thin mucus in the back of the throat, which can lead to mild improvement in a cough.

5 Sucking a Lozenge

Another quick and easy at-home remedy to stop a cough in its tracks? A lozenge or hard candy. Sucking on one can stimulate saliva production, which increases secretions in the mouth and can in turn dampen any cough.

6 Try A Nasal Spray

If your cough is a result of allergies, my Dr. recommends trying Flonase or Nasonex paired with a daily allergy pill such as Allegra, Claritin, or Zyrtec.

Treating allergy symptoms is a common method of resolving postnasal drip and related cou

gh. This is especially true when a cough is most apparent laying flat or first thing in the morning.

7. Use A Neti Pot

To tame a cough caused by a postnasal drip,  my Dr. suggests using a neti pot, which can wash out any debris or mucus from your nasal passages. Clearing mucus from the nasal passages can be helpful in reducing post nasal drainage, thereby improving cough, he explains. This irrigation device is provide relief for people with allergies and sinus infections.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Some Simple and Easy to use Home Remedies for Cough Part 2

This is second part of my blog on Easy to use Home Remedies for Cough.Winter is very common time for cough and cold problems. Here are some easy to use Remedies for Cough:

10. Fresh tulsi

Take 5ml of fresh tulsi (Ocimum sanctum, Holy Basil) and mix it in 10 ml of pure honey. Consume this daily at least twice  a day.
11. Turmeric fumes

Add turmeric to a vessel filled with boiling water and inhale the fumes. It is also beneficial for controlling cough.

12. Home made Paste of red papper

Prepare a paste using ¼ teaspoon of red pepper, ¼ teaspoon of ground ginger, 1 table spoon of apple cider vinegar, 1 table spoon of honey, and 2 tablespoon of water. Mix them   well and take 1 teaspoon of this mixture whenever you have cough.

13. Garlic and cloves drink

In case of severe and chronic cough, crush 2-3 garlic and some cloves. Add this to a glass of milk or water. Then boil  the mixture till it reduces to half the original content. Filter this and add a little sugar to it for improving the  taste. Drink this twice a day and continue this treatment for at least a week to see visible results.

14. Black pepper

Crush some black pepper and eat them with honey

Monday, November 7, 2011

Some Simple and Easy to use Home Remedies for Cough

Home remedies and natural medicines made at home from natural ingredients such as fruits, vegetables, and herbs are catching a lot of attention due to its very nature of cure: simple, no side effects, and no chemicals, inexpensive. Winter is very common time for cough and cold problems. Here are some easy to use Remedies for Cough

1. Ginger Tea

If you have cough due to cold then just drink tea made of ginger 3-4 times a day or just eat raw ginger, this will  subside your cough.

2. Honey and white pepper Tea     


Take one tea spoon of pure honey and to it add a pinch of   grounded white pepper. Regular usage of this 2-3 times a day for about 4-5 days will cure your cough. This is one of the important home remedies for cough. Honey when taken with white pepper will loosen the mucous and make you spit the mucus. This will be helpful in throwing the irritating substances of the trachea and help you in treating cough.

3. Red Rasberry

 Drinking red raspberry, honey suckle, or liquor ice tea with   honey is helpful in treating cough in 2-3 days.
4. Honey plus orange juice

Take 2 tablespoons of honey and mix it in one cup of orange juice and drink it.

5. Homemade syrup

Prepare a cough syrup from baked onion juice, comfrey tea, and honey. Drink it daily and your cough will subside.

6. Vodka and honey

Before going to bed just take a spoonful of honey with few drops of vodka or brandy in it.

7. Turmeric powder

 I like this one and because this is very easy to use.For this Mix 1-2 tsp of pure home made turmeric powder in warm milk   and drink it twice a day for coughs of a bacterial origin. Within 2 days your cough will be gone by using this method.
8. Gargling

You may also gargle with warm water to which lot of salt is added as many times as possible during the day. This will   help you to clear phlegm caught in the throat.
9.Onion Juice and Honey

Mix 5 ml of onion juice with 10 ml of pure honey. Take this   mixture at least twice a day. This will relieve your cough  and will also help in soothing throat.

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