Showing posts with label Free and New Printable Nursing Entrance exam Practice Sample Questions (All Health related Jobs). Show all posts
Showing posts with label Free and New Printable Nursing Entrance exam Practice Sample Questions (All Health related Jobs). Show all posts

Friday, August 2, 2013

Free and New Printable Nursing Entrance exam Practice Sample Questions (All Health related Jobs)

New Printable Nursing Entrance exam Practice Sample Questions 2013-14

This is my 13th part of blog on getting nursing and other health related jobs. In this blog you will see some more free nursing questions with answers. This test can be also used for passing other health related exam.

 Print Practice and Pass Nursing Entrance exam 2013

Nursing entrance practice Test Questions 186-195


Choose the appropriate options to complete the sentences

Q 186
 Fortunately, a construction worker as he......, and so they rescued him immediately.
A) has been noticed / fell
B) was noticing / has fallen
C) was noticed / was falling
D) would be noticed / had fallen
E) had noticed / would fall

Q 187
. There may be catastrophic climate change......people don't recognize and combat the dangers of global warming.

A) just as
B) therefore
C) if only
D) due to
E) provided that

Q 188
What's wrong, Chester? You look…….. you've heard some bad news.

A) in case
B) as long as
C) as if
D) however
E) no matter

Q 189
 Some people prefer the security of a regular salary, while others......their own business, despite the risks involved.
A) are supposed to start
B) must have started
C) could start
D) would rather start
E) will have started

Q 190
 If Paul......attention, he......that Agatha has been crying a lot recently.

A) were paying / might realize
B) has paid / realized
C) pays /would realize
D) will have been paying / has realized
E) would pay/ had realized

Q 191
 The members disappeared during the protest are marching on the parliament building.

A) why
B) whose
C) what
D) where
E) when

Q 192
A new shopping mall is......where our little league baseball team used.......

A) building / to playing
B) to be built / to play
C) to have built / play
D) to build /play
E) built/ playing

Q 193
Lony has recovered from the flu, but he is play football.

A) as weak
B) so weal
C) the weakest
D) weak enough
E) too weak

Q 194
 Alicia, I've never stubborn as you are.

A) anybody
B) everyone
C) the one
D) no one
E) nobody

Q 195
I wish I knew what was going to happen next, ......?
A) wasn't it
B) do I
C) was it
D) don't you
E) didn't I

Answers-Nursing entrance practice Test Questions 186-195

186. C
187. E
188. C
189. D
190. A
191. B
192. B
193. E
194. A
195. D

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Free and New Printable Nursing Entrance exam Practice Sample Questions (All Health related Jobs)

Free and Printable Nursing Entrance exam Practice Sample Questions 2013-14


 Print Practice and Pass Nursing Entrance exam 2013

This is my 13th part of blog on getting nursing and other health related jobs. In this blog you will see some more free nursing questions with answers. This test can be also used for passing other health related exam.

Nursing entrance practice Test Questions 176-185


Question 176

 A ball is traveling at a constant velocity of 50 m/s and has been traveling for over 2 minutes. What is the ball's acceleration?

A. 0
B. 25 m/s
C. 25 m/s
D. 50 m/s2

Question 177

 Neurons connect together at a ______.

A. Synergy
B. Terminal site
C. Docking station
D. Synapse

Question 178

 Which of the following is another word for the kneecap in the human body?

A. Pisiform
B. Meniscus
C. Popliteal bursa
D. Patella

Question 179
Which of the following describes the shoulder joint

A. Ball and socket joint
B. Saddle joint
C. Hinge joint
D. Pivot joint

Question 180
 The organ of Corti is found in what area of the body?

A. Mouth
B. Ear
C. Nose
D. Lungs

Question 181
The condition of rickets is associated with a deficiency in which vitamin?

A. A
B. C
C. D
D. Z

Question 182
A steroid is considered a ______.

A. Lipid
B. Protein
C. Enzyme
D. Weak acid

Question 183
 The X cranial nerve is the ____ nerve.

A. Abducens
B. Hypoglossal
C. Facial
D. Vagus

Question 184
 Which of the following pH ranges is a strong base?

A. 1.3-2.0
B. 4.5-5.2
C. 7.1-9.0
D. 11.2-12.0

Question 185
 Which chamber of the heart pumps blood to the systemic circulation?

A. Left Atrium
B. Right Atrium
C. Left Ventricle
D. Right Ventricle

Answer Key -Nursing entrance practice Test Questions 176-185

176. A
177. D
178. D
173. A
180. B
181. C
182. A
183. D
184. D
185. C


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