Thursday, April 24, 2014

Three Prong healthy approach when working in your home or office desk

Wow- Three Prong healthy approach when working in your desk -

Here are three ways you can keep you fit when working with computers in your desk.

1. Doing more Stretching Exercises

2. Using Shortcut Keys

3. Try Dynamic Sitting Posture

First part- Doing more simple Stretching Exercises

Keep healthy when working in your desk with your PC/Laptop


Keep healthy when working in your desk with your PC/Laptop

Close your eyes, cup your hands, and place them over your closed eyes.
Look away from your computer screen and focus on a distant object.
Look up, down and side to side without moving your head.
20/20/20: every 20 minutes look 20 feet away for 20 seconds


Tuck your chin in, keeping your head and ears level. Next, come back to your start/natural position. You should not experience any pain. Repeat three times.
Shrug your shoulders, raising them for a count of three, then lowering them. Rotate your shoulders backwards, arms relaxed at your sides. Repeat three times.


Squeeze your shoulder blades with your elbows lifted away from your body. Imagine you have a pencil between your shoulder blades and are trying to trap it and then release it.

Upper Back

Hold your arms straight in front of you and stretch them forward. Raise your arms above your shoulders and stretch them upwards.

Sit relaxed, feet flat on the floor. Imagine a cable attached to the top of your head pulling you up. Hold for a count of three then relax. Repeat three times.

Lower Back

Place your hands on the back of your hips.
Arch your back slightly. Hold for a count of three then relax. Repeat three times.

Wrist and Hands

Clench your fists, then release them, spreading out your fingers. Hold each position for a count of three.
In a sitting or standing position, drop your arms to your side. Gently shake out your arms and hands.

Lower Limbs

Lift your lower leg from a seated posture, leaving your knee bent slightly. Rotate your ankles slowly. Point your toes and then pull them toward your shin.
Stand up and take a short walk.

 2nd part- Using more Shortcut Keys all time

In order to reduce the risk factors often associated with mouse use, it is recommended to use the keyboard’s shortcut keys as often as possible. Shortcut key commands vary depending on the software used.
To print a list of shortcut keys, follow the commands listed below:
For Microsoft Word© Users:
1. On the View menu, point to Macro, and then click on View Macros
2. In the Macros in box, click Word commands
3. In the Macro name box, click List Commands
4. Click Run
5. In the List Commands dialog box, click Current menu and keyboard settings
6. Click OK
7. On the File menu, click Print


 3rd Part-Dynamic Sitting Posture

Keep healthy when working in your desk with your PC/Laptop

No single sitting posture can remain comfortable if maintained for long periods of time. Movement is important for minimizing fatigue and static effort of the muscles.
A. Neck is in a neutral position with the top line of text slightly below eye level;

B. Upper arm s hanging vertically, with the forearms horizontal and elbows close to the body;

C. No bending of the wrists and fingers falling naturally downward. The employee should move the mouse with a full arm movement, keeping the wrist straight and in line with his/her shoulder;

D. A back angle of 110° to 130° when keyboarding and an erect or upright spine, when writing;

E. Thighs approximately in a horizontal position and the lower legs vertical; the seat height should be at, or a little below, the popliteal (knee) height of the employee;

F. Feet well supported on the floor or footrest

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