Thursday, January 23, 2014

How eating Beets can beat Toxins and increase important Vitamin in our body

Five prongs health benefits of eating beats

I love eating beet. You can also try if you want to get five prongs health benefits of eating beats. Before we start storing on the winter hibernation weight, this is a great time to do a gentle detox cleanse by increasing our fruits and veggies to 6 servings a day. Here are some health benefits of beets and read all the reasons to add more of them to your diet.

How eating Beets can beat Toxins and increase important Vitamin in our body


1. Beets literally push out toxins

Beets contain a group of phytonutrients called betalains that support detoxification through an important phase 2 detox steps in the liver. When your liver is able to detoxify chemicals and toxins more effectively, then your body is better able to balance hormones, cholesterol and energy levels.

2. Beets have anti-inflammatory properties

Nutritional researcher, Monica Reinagel, the creator of the IF (Inflammation Factor) Rating system has found beet greens to be strongly anti-inflammatory and gives them a rating of 274. In comparison, almonds have a rating of 56 and a carrot 60 so you can see how powerfully anti-inflammatory beet greens are.

How eating Beets can beat Toxins and increase important Vitamin in our body

3.  Beets are a fantastic choice for pregnancy

Beets provide 35 percent of your daily needs of the B vitamin folate, which can prevent birth defects. While you are at it, enjoy the entire plant. The iron in the beet greens ensures good blood building for the baby and more energy for Mom!

4. Beets are a good source of calcium and vitamin K

The green tops of beets contain vitamins and minerals such as calcium and vitamin K that help to prevent bone loss. Don’t just throw them away.

5. Beets contain the highest plant source of betaine

They contain an amazing 127 mg in every 100 gram serving. A study by Greek researchers shows that betaine lowers C-reactive protein levels, a marker of heart disease and chronic inflammation.

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