Monday, January 21, 2013

Free Nursing/other Health Entrance Exam Practice Test Sample Questions

Free Nursing/other Health Entrance Exam Practice Test Sample Questions

After getting good response on Wonderlic Practice Test Sample Questions in my other blog from my blog readers I want to write this blog for Nursing Entrance Exam Practice. I am adding this exam in this health blog because nursing jobs are related to health.
Here are free General Science Practice Questions Free Nursing Entrance Exam Practice Test Sample Questions with answers.

Q 1

 Which of the following is described in the definition: An object immersed in a fluid is buoyed up by a force equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the object?

A. Archimedes' principle
B. Charles' law
C. Boyle's law
D. Anderson's principle

Q 2

 Liquids that evaporate quickly are known as _____ liquids.
A. Viscous
B. Volatile
C. Evaporative
D. Transient
 High frequency sound waves are known as:
A. Fundamental waves
B. Overtones
C. Consonance waves
D. Dissonance waves

Q 4
 The first American to win a Nobel Prize was ______ for measuring the speed of light.

A. Albert Einstein
B. Albert Michelson
C. Grimaldi
D. Thomas Young

Q 5
 What anatomical structure connects the stomach and the mouth?
A. Trachea
B. Spinal column
C. Hepatic duct
D. Esophagus

Q 6
When the chromosomes line up in mitosis this is known as which phase?
A. Telophase
B. Anaphase
C. Metaphase
D. Prophase

Q 7
Which cellular organelle contains enzymes that are considered digestive?
A. Golgi Apparatus
B. Lysosomes
C. Nucleus
D. Ribosomes

Q 8
Organs repair themselves through a process of?
A. Meiosis
B. Mitosis
C. Cellular differentiation
D. Transformation

Q 9
 Which of the following is considered a model for enzyme action?

A. Lock and Key model
B. Enzyme interaction model
C. Transformation model
D. Transcription model

Q 10
 Which of the following statements about enzymes is not true?

A. Enzymes are catalysts.
B. Almost all enzymes are proteins.
C. Enzymes operate most efficiently at optimum pH.
D. Enzymes are destroyed during chemical reactions.

Q 11

 Which of the following statements about prostaglandins is not true?
A. Prostaglandins promote inflammation.
B. Prostaglandins can only constrict blood vessels.
C. Prostaglandins are made in the renal medulla.
D. Prostaglandins can lead to pain and fever.
Q 12
 Cholesterol that is known as (LDL) stands for:
A. Low-density lipoproteins
B. Low-density lysosomes
C. Level-density lipoproteins
D. Level-density lysosomes

Q 13
 Hardening of the arteries is known as:
A. Atheriosclerosis
B. Venous narrowing
C. Micro-circulation
D. Hypertension
 The top number on a blood pressure reading indicates:
A. Diastolic pressure
B. Transient pressure
C. Optimum pressure
D. Systolic pressure
Q 15
 Litmus paper that is blue will turn/stay _____ in the presence of a strong base.
A. Orange
B. Red
C. Blue
D. Green
Q 16
 Breathing properly requires the presence of what compound that affects surface tension of alveoli in the lungs?
A. Potassium
B. Plasma
C. Surfactant
D. Sodium Chloride
Q 17
 Which of the following is not considered a function of the kidneys?
A. Secretion
B. Reabsorption
C. Transport
D. Filtration
Q 18
 The functional unit of the kidney is known as?
A. Medulla
B. Glomerulus
C. Pyramid
D. Nephron
Q 19
 Which of the following formulas indicate the ideal gas law?
A. PV= knT or PV=RnT
B. V=kT
C. PV = k
Q 20
 Which of the following is not considered a characteristic or property of a gas?
A. Volume
B. Mass
C. Pressure
D. Particles

Answer Key  (Please check this after trying yourself)

1. A
2. B
3. B
4. B
5. D
6. C
7. B
8. B
9. A
10. D
11. B
12. A
13. A
14. D
15. C
16. C
17. C
18. D
19. A
20. D
21. A
22. C
23. B
24. B
25. C
26. A
27. D
28. A
29. C
30. B
31. C
32. A
33. B
34. D
35. C
36. D
37. B
38. A
39. B
40. A

Q 21
 The movement of food through the intestines is known as:

A. Peristalsis
B. Ileum translation
C. Microvilli propulsion
D. Flexure propulsion

Q 22
 The enzyme maltase does the following:
A. Breaks down lactose to glucose
B. Turns glucose into maltose
C. Breaks down maltose to glucose
D. Turns glucose into lactose

Q 23
 High levels of bilirubin in the blood stream can result in:

A. Uric acid overexposure
B. Jaundice
C. Bile salt production
D. Hepatic mutation

Q 24

 The symbol B on the periodic table stands for:

A. Beryllium
B. Boron
C. Barium
D. Berkelium

Q 25

 The symbol Mn on the periodic table stands for:
A. Magnesium
B. Molybdenum
C. Manganese
D. Margon

Q 26
 The symbol Ca on the periodic table stands for:
A. Calcium
B. Carbon
C. Cobalt
D. Chlorine

Q 27
 The symbol Br on the periodic table stands for:
A. Beryllium
B. Boron
C. Barium
D. Bromine

Q 28
 Vinegar is also known as:

A. Acetic acid
B. Acetone acid
C. Sulfuric acid
D. Ascorbic acid

Q 29
 A Lewis acid is a/an ____ pair acceptor.
A. Neutron
B. Proton
C. Electron
D. Ion
Q 30
 _____ Reactions produce heat.

A. Endothermic
B. Exothermic
C. Hydrogen
D. Buffered

Q 31
 Which of the following match the definition: The pressure (P) is inversely proportional to the volume (V) of a gas.
A. Archimedes' principle
B. Charles' law
C. Boyle's law
D. Anderson's principle

Q 32
 The combination of sodium and chlorine to form NaCL is considered a/an ___ bond.
A. Ionic
B. Covalent
C. Hydrogen
D. Metallic

Q 33
 Outer shell electrons are known as ______ electrons.
A. Hybrid
B. Valence
C. Vector
D. Transitional

Q 34
 Forces can be indicated on graph paper by the use of _____.

A. Empirical rules
B. Interaction coefficients
C. Variables
D. Vectors

Q 35
P1V1 = P2V2 represents:

A. Archimedes' principle
B. Charles' law
C. Boyle's law
D. Anderson's principle

Q 36
Which of the following is not considered a primary color of light?

A. Green
B. Blue
C. Red
D. Yellow

Q 37
 The unit of charge is called the _____.
A. Newton
B. Coulomb
C. Joule
D. Watt

Q 38
 A/An ______ is a device specifically designed to measure current.

A. Ammeter
B. Cyclotron
C. Resistor
D. Capacitor

Q 39
 The two bones found in the area between the knee and ankle in humans are known as:

A. Femur and Tibia
B. Fibula and Tibia
C. Ulna and Tibia
D. Radius and Tibia

Q 40
 _____ is the current flow of one coulomb per second.

A. Ampere
B. Joule
C. Watt
D. Kilowatt

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