Tuesday, May 29, 2012

How Mediterranean diet linked it to well-being of mental and physical health

What is Mediterranean diet?

Health expert believes that The Mediterranean Diet is a lifestyle where good taste meets good health. This diet was introduced as a Mediterranean Diet Pyramid in 1993. There is no single Mediterranean diet. Instead, each region across Europe -- from Spain to the Middle East -- customizes the basic diet to take advantage of food availability and cultural preferences. Similarities include a reliance on plant foods such as vegetables, fruits, beans, whole grains, nuts, olives, and olive oil along with some

cheese, yogurt, fish, poultry, eggs, and wine. These foods form the basis of the plan and provide thousands of micronutrients, antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and fiber that work together to protect against chronic disease.

Most of the foods on the plan are fresh, seasonal whole foods - they're not processed. Preparation methods tend to be simple; foods are rarely deep-fried. Only small amounts of saturated fat, sodium, sweets, and meat are part of the plan. The Mediterranean lifestyle also includes leisurely dining and regular physical activity, which are an important part of the equation.

This diet has long been considered one of the healthiest diets on the planet - and rightfully so. For thousands of years, residents along the Mediterranean coast have enjoyed the delicious diet, leisurely dining, and engaging in regular physical activity. They don’t think of their eating habits as a diet plan; it’s simply a way of life that can lead to long, healthy lives with less chance of chronic disease A

growing body of research continues to prove that eating a diet rich in plant foods and healthy fats is good for you. Studies show that following a Mediterranean diet protects against the development of heart disease, metabolic syndrome, some types of cancer, obesity, type 2 diabetes, dementia, Alzheimer’s disease -- and also leads to a longer lifespan. The health effects of a Mediterranean diet have been studied extensively in the last 10 years, resulting in better science and more clinical evidence. There are numerous health benefits, the strongest and most profound evidence is the protection of cardiovascular disease and diabetes, says Dariush Mozaffarian, MD, Dr PH, a researcher, cardiologist, associate professor, and co-director of the cardiovascular epidemiology program at Harvard School of Public Health. Health benefits are not attributed to diet alone; it is the whole package, which includes the lifestyle of the people who live along the Mediterranean.

New Research Finding confirming why this diet is good for all-Mediterranean diet definitively linked to quality of life

For years the Mediterranean diet has been associated with a lesser chance of illness and increased well-being. A new study has now linked it to mental and physical health too.The Mediterranean diet, which is characterized by the consumption of fruit, vegetables, pulses, fish, olive oil and nuts, has been proven to be beneficial to the health in terms of a lesser chance of chronic illness and a lower mortality rate. A new study headed by the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and the University of Navarra took the next step and analyzed the influence of the Mediterranean diet on the quality of life of a sample of more than 11,000 university students over a period of four years. “The progressive aging of the population in developed countries makes it even more interesting to find out those factors that can increase quality of life and the health of the population,” as explained to SINC by Patricia Henríquez Sánchez, researcher at the centre in the Canary Islands and lead author of the study. Dietary intake data was taken at the beginning of the study and self-perceived quality of life was measured after the four year monitoring period. In order to ascertain whether the Mediterranean diet was followed, consumption of vegetables, pulses, fruit, nuts, cereals and fish was positively valued whereas consumption of meat, dairy products and alcohol was negatively valued. Published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, the results reveal that those who stick more to the Mediterranean diet score higher on the quality of life questionnaire in terms of physical and mental well-being. This link is even stronger in terms of physical quality of life.

The Mediterranean Pyramid

Henríquez states that “the Mediterranean diet is an important factor associated with better quality of life and can be considered as a healthy food model.” Its food pyramid combines food to be eaten daily, weekly and occasionally.Main meals should never lack three basic elements: cereals, fruit and vegetables and dairy products. Furthermore, it must include a daily intake of 1.5 and 2 litres of water. Olive oil constitutes the main source of fat for its nutritional quality and moderate consumption of wine and other fermented beverages is recommended. Furthermore, fish, lean meat and eggs are sources of high quality animal protein. Fish and seafood are also sources of healthy fats.At the top of the pyramid are sugar, sweets, cakes, pastries and sweetened beverages that should be consumed occasionally and in small amounts.

(Source- European Journal of Clinical Nutrition)

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