Friday, December 23, 2011

How to read That Hidden Information on Healthy nutritional Labels (Fat, Sugar)

Here is the list of food which gives ideas that how they change names for names for fats, sugars, and salts to accurately understand what is really in the foods you and your family are eating. In US and Canada manufacturers are required to include certain information on food packaging to inform consumers about the contents of their products. This information can assist you in comparing products and making the healthiest choices for you and your family.

There is always a list of all ingredients in descending order, from the ingredient used most to the one used least. Watch carefully for fats, sugars, and salts, as they appear in various forms. They may be listed under other names, or may be present in ingredients that contain them. Instead of "fat," you may see:

Ist Sugar in foods

Instead of "sugar," you may see:

  1. honey
  2. molasses
  3. anything that ends in "ose" (dextrose, sucrose, fructose, maltose, lactose)
  4. dextrin or maltodextrin
  5. syrups

2nd Fat in foods

Instead of "fat," you may see:

  1. lard
  2. shortening
  3. oils (palm, coconut, hydrogenated vegetable)
  4. monoglycerides and/or diglycerides
  5. tallow

3rd Salt in foods

Instead of "salt," you may see:

  1. MSG
  2. sodium
  3. baking soda
  4. baking powder
  5. brine
  6. kelp
  7. soy sauce

As you start to read ingredient lists, familiarize yourself with any words you don't recognize. You'll quickly learn to distinguish which ingredients are more desirable than others.

In addition to the ingredients, look for the Nutrition Facts label – this details the ingredients of the product as well as the nutritional contents and any health claims made by the manufacturer. The Nutrition Facts label will also explain the number of calories in a serving, as well as the amount of nutrients. In US and Canada manufacturers has to report on 13 specific nutrients (though manufacturers may include more). These required nutrients are:

·         fat
·         saturated fat
·         trans fats
·         cholesterol
·         sodium
·         carbohydrate
·         fibre
·         sugars
·         protein
·         calcium
·         iron
·         vitamin A
·         vitamin C

The label will show not only the amount of these nutrients present, but what the amount represents in terms of daily needs within a healthy diet. This helps to put some perspective on what you're reading. Finally, keep in mind that manufacturers are allowed to make some health claims about their products. It's worth knowing that these statements are strictly regulated by Govt., and must meet approved criteria. Health claims may either draw attention to a nutritional aspect of the product or advocate one or more of the following currently scientifically recognized links between diet and health:

A diet low in saturated and Trans fat reduces risk of heart disease.
A diet with adequate calcium and vitamin D, and regular physical activity, reduces risk of osteoporosis.
A diet rich in vegetables and fruit reduces risk of some types of cancer.
A diet low in sodium and high in potassium reduces risk of high blood pressure.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Secret of Getting Good Sleep and How Much We Need for a Healthy Body

A good laugh and a long sleep are the best cures in the doctor's book.

People who snore always fall asleep first.

Secret of Getting Good Sleep and How Much We Need for a Healthy Body

Sleep is something we all need but few of us actually get. With life moving so fast, stress over finances, family or work can keep you up all night. Getting the proper hours of sleep each night is necessary for facing the world with best foot forward. Sleep helps us on the road for getting good fitness, good eating and good health.

What is a Healthy Sleep

The amount of sleep we all need varies from person to person. Experts have given us number of hour sleep we needs for our healthy body.

Infants – They need the most sleep, averaging about 16 hours a day.

Teenagers- They need about 9 hours of sleep.

Adults – They need about 7 to 9 hours of sleep to feel fully rested.

How to know that we are not Getting Healthy Sleep

If you're feeling drowsy during the day that means you are not getting enough quality sleep. Signs of sleep deprivation, or possibly a sleep disorder can be seen, when a person fall asleep within five minutes of lying down.

Tips for Getting Healthy Sleep

Please find some good tips to get a healthy night sleep:

1.       Mentally Unwinding Before Going to bed

About a half hour before going to bed, enjoy a low-key activity such as reading or listening to soothing music.

2.      Stop Worrying Before Going to bed

Avoid solving day’s problems from your bed. Before going to bed, make a list of problems for the following day.

3.       Use Relaxation Techniques

To reduce muscular tension, try relaxation techniques such as meditation, yoga, or even taking a warm bath.

4.       Eat a High-crab snack

A light snack that is high in carbohydrates, such as crackers, pretzels, or a plain bagel, might help you relax. But be careful not to overeat; indigestion can interrupt sleep.

5.       Drink Warm milk before going to Bed

There is scientific basis for this old-time remedy. Milk and other dairy foods contain tryptophan, a chemical that may promote sleep in some people.

6.       Follow a Sleeping routine

Go to bed and get up at the same time every day even on a weekend. Creating this routine can help condition your mind and body to expect sleep at a regular time.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Free and Simple home remedies to reduce back pain in holidays Part 3


This is my third part of blog on tips to reduce back pain in holidays. In first part we learn that preventing injury and Managing Pain. The best medicine is prevention! Keep your back healthy and you won’t have to deal with the trauma of a bad back.


Belly or any other dancing can improve your back health and a fun way to fun exercis. In belly

dancing, proper posture is important.  I recently hurt my back and found a great deal of relief from taking on this standing posture: Bend your knees slightly, tilt your pelvis forward so your tailbone points straight down and stand tall and roll your shoulders back. It may not sound comfortable, but it will relieve back pain

2.Sleep with legs elevated

 Try to sleep with my legs elevated, which decreases pressure on lower back and also helps with restless legs. I do stretches every morning and really notice if I skip them.

3.Avoid heavy lifting

Avoid heavy lifting as much as possible, though hugging my son is unavoidable.

4. Hands-on therapy

Use moist heat and/or moist cold. Put a wrung out face cloth between you and the hot water bottle.

5.Use crushed ice in a wet towel

You can also make an ice pack crushed ice in a wet towel. You can then put the pack into a resalable plastic bag. Using moist therapy helps relieve deeper aches and pains. Do not apply either hot or cold packs for more than 20 minutes at a time

6.Aromatherapy bubbles Bath

For doing this first lie on heating pad on medium until your  back relaxes, then my take a nice bath with  aromatherapy bubbles to relax.

7. Professional help

Visit a qualified physiotherapist or massage therapist to learn stretching techniques, appropriate for your age/condition. Then develop a routine of daily stretching. It will take a few minutes, but you will be much more comfortable for the rest of the day.

8.Lift with your knees, not your back

Follow this old and true saying goes: 'Lift with your knees, not your back.

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