Showing posts with label Arthritis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Arthritis. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Top three Tricks To minimize your Arthritis pain Part 2

This is second part of blog on Tricks to minimize your Arthritis pain. Arthritis involves the breakdown of cartilage. Cartilage normally protects a joint, allowing it to move smoothly. Cartilage also absorbs shock when pressure is placed on the joint, such as when you walk. Without the normal amount of cartilage, the bones rub together, causing pain, swelling (inflammation), and stiffness.

Joint inflammation may result from:

•An autoimmune disease (the body's immune system mistakenly attacks healthy tissue)

•Broken bone

•General "wear and tear" on joints

•Infection, usually by bacteria or virus

In this part you will find tow new tricks to minimize Arthritis pain.

2. Strength Training

Weak muscles are common in people with arthritis. This decrease in strength is often caused by inactivity (due to the pain of arthritis) or medication side effects. Muscular strength is important because it decreases the stress on your joints, absorbs shock, protects your joints from injury, and helps improve your overall mobility. Before you start a strength training program, talk to your doctor for recommendations based on your condition and the degree of inflammation you experience.

Try to perform strengthening exercises every other day. Start slowly and master the form of each exercise without weights, then move up to light weights that you can control.

Try isometric exercises. These safe and effective moves contract your muscles but don't move the

joint (i.e. holding a bag of groceries). They're great for people with very painful joints because they build muscular strength with very little joint motion. Some examples of isometric exercises in the Fitness Resource Center include: Isometric Biceps Hold with Towel and Isometric Shoulder Hold with Towel. But you can modify any exercise to make it isometric by holding the position without repeating the movement. For example, Dumbbell Squats and Forward Lunges become isometric when you lower into the squat or lunge position and hold it there instead of performing the up and down motion.

Avoid strength training if you are experiencing joint swelling or pain. Resume your activities when the swelling and pain subside.

3. Aerobic Exercise

Weight-bearing activities like walking strengthen your bones, improve your balance and coordination, and help you maintain a healthy weight. In addition to these physical benefits, aerobic exercise helps improve your mood and reduces tension and stress. Aim for 3-4 sessions of aerobic exercise each week.

Try exercising in water.

Water exercise is gentle on the joints since water acts as a cushion. Warm water also raises your body temperature, which causes your blood vessels to dilate, increasing circulation.

Try walking.

Walking is an easy and safe way for people with arthritis to strengthen their muscles and joints.

Avoid overdoing it.

Although exercise has many benefits for people with arthritis, it is possible to do too much. Vigorous exercise that aggravates inflammation in the joints is harmful. If exercise-induced joint pain lasts more than two hours, you've done too much. (Arthritis Research and Therapy)

Lastly you and your doctor should plan what kind of exercise you needs.

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