Thursday, February 27, 2014

Healthy Secret Formula to getting best GRADE in School or University

Formula to get best GRADE in School or College in 2014

We all know that hiring a math tutor could help your kid improve her algebra grades this fall, but encouraging her to play a sport might have the same effect on her report card. According to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), kids who are physically active tend to do better in school. They found formula for a success-Burn to Learn.

Healthy Secret Formula to getting best GRADE in School or University


What is Burn to Learn?

Did you know that teens who receive mostly as are almost twice as likely to get the CDC recommended daily 60 minutes of physical activity than teens who receive mostly Ds and Fs? Kids who perform better in school are more likely to be physically active on a regular basis. Adding physical activity to the school day can not only keep kids healthy, but also increase attention, behavior and positive attitudes leading to improved academic performance.
How can you help your kids get their daily 60 minutes? Encourage the physical activities they currently take part in, suggest new physical activities with a social component and set a good example by being physically active yourself! Here's to a happy and healthy school year.


Why Physical Activity is so important?


Healthy Secret Formula to getting best GRADE in School or University
  • Regular physical activity in childhood and adolescence improves strength and endurance, helps build healthy bones and muscles, helps control weight, reduces anxiety and stress, increases self-esteem, and may improve blood pressure and cholesterol levels.1
  • The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services recommends that young people aged 6–17 years participate in at least 60 minutes of physical activity daily.2
  • In 2011, 29% of high school students surveyed had participated in at least 60 minutes per day of physical activity on all 7 days before the survey, and only 31% attended physical education class daily.3
  • Schools can promote physical activity through comprehensive school physical activity programs, including recess, classroom-based physical activity, intramural physical activity clubs, interscholastic sports, and physical education.
  • Schools should ensure that physical education is provided to all students in all grades and is taught by qualified teachers.
  • Schools can also work with community organizations to provide out-of-school-time physical activity programs and share physical activity facilities.

Healthy Secret Formula to getting best GRADE in School or University

Physical Activity and the Health of Young People

Benefits of Regular Physical Activity
Regular physical activity—
  • Helps build and maintain healthy bones and muscles.1
  • Helps reduce the risk of developing obesity and chronic diseases, such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and colon cancer.1
  • Reduces feelings of depression and anxiety and promotes psychological well-being.1
  • May help improve students’ academic performance, including
    • Academic achievement and grades
    • Academic behavior, such as time on task
    • Factors that influence academic achievement, such as concentration and attentiveness in the classroom.4


Long-Term Consequences of Physical Inactivity

  • Overweight and obesity, which are influenced by physical inactivity and poor diet, can increase one’s risk for diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, asthma, arthritis, and poor health status.5-7
  • Physical inactivity increases one’s risk for dying prematurely, dying of heart disease, and developing diabetes, colon cancer, and high blood pressure.1


Participation in Physical Activity by Young People

  • In a nationally representative survey, 77% of children aged 9–13 years reported participating in free-time physical activity during the previous 7 days.4
  • In 2011, only 29% percent of high school students had participated in at least 60 minutes per day of physical activity on each of the 7 days before the survey.3
  • Fourteen percent of high school students had not participated in 60 or more minutes of any kind of physical activity on any day during the 7 days before the survey.3
  • Participation in physical activity declines as young people age.3

Percentage of High School Students Participating in Physical Activity and Physical Education, by Sex, 20113
Type of Activity
At least 60 minutes/day of physical activitya
Attended physical education class dailyb
aAny kind of physical activity that increased heart rate and made them breathe hard some of the time for at least 60 minutes per day on each of the 7 days before the survey.
b Attended physical education classes 5 days in an average week when they were in school.


Participation in Physical Education Classes

  • In 2011, over half (52%) of high school students (68% of 9th-grade students but only 38% of 12th-grade students) attended physical education classes in an average week.
  • The percentage of high school students who attended physical education classes daily decreased from 42% in 1991 to 25% in 1995 and remained stable at that level until 2011 (31%).
  • In 2011, 41% of 9th-grade students but only 24% of 12th-grade students attended physical education class daily.
1.U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Physical Activity Guidelines Advisory Committee report. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2008. 
2.U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. 2008 Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services; 2008. 
3.CDC. Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance—United States, 2011. MMWR 2012;61(SS-4).
4.CDC. The Association Between School-Based Physical Activity, Including Physical Education, and Academic Performance. Atlanta, GA: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services; 2010.
5.Daniels S, Arnett D, Eckel R, et al. Overweight in children and adolescents: pathophysiology, consequences, prevention, and treatment. Circulation 2005;111:1999–2012.
6.Institute of Medicine. Preventing Childhood Obesity: Health in the Balance. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press; 2004.
7.Dietz WH. Overweight in childhood and adolescence. New England Journal of Medicine 2004;350:855–857.
8.CDC. Physical activity levels among children aged 9–13 years—United States, 2002. MMWR 2003;52(SS-33):785–788.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

ABC about frequent Urination problem

Frequent urination, where you feel an urge to pass urine more often than usual, is not just a a nuisance and a cause of poor sleep, it can be a symptom of an underlying medical condition. Polyuria is a medical term that refers to the excessive passing of urine (frequent urination).

ABC about frequent Urination problem 
Unfortunately many people soldier on, perhaps accepting it as something they have to put up with, or they don't think it is worth bothering the doctor about or maybe they are scared it might signify something serious. Urine is a waste product made in the kidneys. The kidneys spurt urine into the ureters which then pass it into the bladder, where it collects ready to be expelled from the body via the urethra. Normal urine is a clear, transparent, amber-colour fluid made of urea, uric acid, and water. Some diseases cause other substances to appear in urine, such as sugar (diabetes), albumin (kidney disease), and bile pigments (jaundice).

ABC about frequent Urination problem
The average person probably excretes about 5 to 8 cups or 1 to 1.8 litres of urine every 24 hours.
Urination or micturition is the process of expelling urine from the body. The process is complex and involves muscles of the bladder and sphincter mechanism, controlled by various nerve centers in the central and peripheral nervous systems.

Why Recurrent Urination

Frequent urination is where you pass urine more often than usual. This can sometimes occur with urgent urination: a sudden, compelling urge to urinate, along with discomfort in the bladder.

Most people can sleep for 6 to 8 hours without having to urinate, but many have to get up in the night to relieve themselves. This frequent need to urinate at night is called nocturia, and is common in both men and women. By disturbing sleep, nocturia can significantly affect quality of life. It is important to assess the underlying cause of nocturia, because chronic conditions, such as diabetes, can present in this way. Frequent urination is not the same as urinary incontinence, which is where there is no voluntary control of bladder function, reminiscent of the infant's involuntary reflex. However, urinary incontinence can be a cause of frequent urination, and/or the two can occur together.

ABC about frequent Urination problem

When doctors assess urinary symptoms, they try to distinguish among several possibilities, such as nocturia, daytime frequent urination, urinary incontinence, obstructive symptom (such as poor, intermittent stream or terminal dribble), and irritative symptoms (such as urgency, burning sensation). There are also other considerations, such as when is the symptom not something to worry about? For instance, in men it is so common to have a little "leakage" at the end of the stream (the post-micturition dribble), that it does not count as an abnormality. Also, many women leak a little urine on coughing. So one of the ways to decide if a seemingly harmless urinary symptom is an issue, is to establish the extent to which it impacts quality of life.

If urinary frequency is affecting your quality of life, or you also have other unexplained symptoms such as back or side pain, vomiting, fever, chills, fatigue, bloody or cloudy urine, or discharge from the vagina or penis, or an increase in appetite or thirst, then it is important to seek medical attention promptly. For instance, one cause of frequent urination is kidney infection, and this requires prompt attention. If not treated, a kidney infection can permanently damage the kidneys, or the bacteria can infect the bloodstream and become life-threatening.


Urination is a complex process involving different muscle groups and types, and an intricate nerve network located in the brain and spine, and in and around the bladder. It is no wonder therefore that frequent urination can be a symptom of so many different diseases, conditions and disorders, both physiological and psychological.
The main thing to bear in mind is that if frequent urination is unexplained and persistent, then it could be a symptom of something serious. Some drugs, such as diuretics, can also produce this symptom.

Drinking too much fluid before bedtime, especially if it contains caffeine or alcohol, can cause frequent urination at night time.

This could simply be a habit, in which case it may still be advisable to eliminate other potential concerns.

The most common causes of frequent urination are diabetes, pregnancy and prostate problems.

Other causes of frequent urination include:
Medication, for example diuretics,
Stroke, or other brain or nervous system condition,
Infection of the prostate gland (prostatitis),
Enlarged prostate,
Kidney infection,
Tumour or mass in the pelvic area,
Interstitial cystitis (inflammation of the bladder wall),
Overactive bladder syndrome (unexplained, uncontrolled bladder contractions),
Cancer of the bladder,
Dysfunction of the bladder,
Bladder stones,
Urinary incontinence,
Abnormal opening (fistula) in the urinary tract,
Radiation of the pelvis, e.g. to treat cancer


When to see doctor?

Because of the complexity of the process of urination, the cause of frequent urination can be neurological, physical, or, even psychological, so your doctor will need to perform a thorough diagnosis. To do this, he or she will carry out a physical exam, and ask questions to establish your medical history and gather information about the symptoms you are experiencing.

They may ask about:
The pattern of frequent urination (when did it start, how does it compare with what you consider to be normal, is it happening during the day only, or night time only, or both?)
Current medications.
Any other symptoms.
How much fluid you drink: is it more or less than usual?
Whether you have noticed any changes in your urine (eg color, smell).
How much caffeine and alcohol you consume and whether this has changed recently.
After considering your medical history, and depending on what he or she discovers in the physical exam, your doctor may ask you to undergo some tests, such as:
Urine analysis: to determine whether any abnormal compounds are present.

Imaging tests: to look inside the body.

Neurological tests: to see if a nerve disorder is present.

Urodynamic tests: to examine how well the bladder, sphincters, and urethra are storing and releasing urine.
Urodynamic tests range from simple observation to precise measurements using sophisticated equipment. Simple observations include for example recording the time it takes to produce a urinary stream, noting the amount of urine produced, and the ability to stop mid-stream.

Precise measurements include, for example, using imaging equipment to observe the bladder filling and emptying, using monitors to measure pressure inside the bladder, and using sensors to record muscle and nerve activity.

Most urodynamic tests do not need special preparation, though some may require you to make a change in fluid intake, or stop taking certain medications. You may also be asked to arrive at the clinic with a full bladder.



The importance of seeing your doctor and getting a diagnosis is to establish the underlying cause of frequent urination. That will then decide the treatment.

For example, if the cause is diabetes, then the treatment will be for diabetes, the aim of which is to keep blood sugar under control. If the cause is a kidney infection, then the treatment usually comprises a course of antibiotics and possibly painkillers too.

If the cause is an overactive bladder, then there are several recommended medications, which in conjunction with behavioral techniques, can increase the chances of successful treatment. The most common medications are anticholinergics, which target the overactivity of the detrusor muscle. They should only be used under the direction of the prescribing physician and they can have side effects, such as dry mouth, constipation, blurred vision and confusion (in the elderly).


Other treatments include:

Kegel exercises: these regular daily exercises strengthen the muscles of the pelvis and urethra and support the bladder. It is important to learn the correct technique and practise at the recommended frequency (at least 30 to 80 times a day for at least 8 weeks).

Biofeedback: Used with with Kegel exercises, this helps improve awareness and control of pelvic muscles.

Bladder training: the aim is to train the bladder to hold urine longer and thus urinate less often. It involves increasing the period between visits to the toilet to empty the bladder and is done gradually over two to three months.

Monitoring fluid intake: for instance, it could be that drinking before bedtime is the main cause of frequent urination.

Changing diet: to avoid foods that irritate the bladder or act as a diuretic, for instance caffeine, alcohol, chocolate, spicy foods, artificial sweeteners. Eating high-fiber foods can help reduce the constipation that worsens an overactive bladder.


Wednesday, February 12, 2014

How to sharp your Brain abilities to do well in daily life?

Keeping your brain fit all the time

The human brain is a complex organ, which forms the body’s information-processing center. Through an intricate network of neurons, our mind enables us to interact with and make sense of the world around us. Without it, we wouldn’t be able to walk or talk,

How to sharp your Brain abilities to do well in daily life?

think or feel, imagine or create. Regular mental stimulation promotes the growth and improvement of this precious organ, while lack of it can decrease our cognitive abilities, leading to memory loss and loss of motor skills, and placing us at greater risk of developing dementia, Alzheimer’s, and other neurodegenerative diseases later in life. Below, find out what you can do on a regular basis to keep your brain sharp.

How to sharp your Brain abilities to do well in daily life?


More Coordination exercises

Which hand do you normally use to control your computer mouse? Whichever one it is, try holding the mouse with the opposite hand. Challenging yourself daily by trying to complete everyday tasks in a novel way creates new neural connections in your brain, and strengthens existing ones. The idea is to step out of your routine, and teach your brain a new skill in the process. Here are more examples in the same vein:
 -       Brushing your teeth using the opposite hand;
-       combing your hair using the opposite hand;
-       eating with the opposite hand.

How to sharp your Brain abilities to do well in daily life?

Try Neurobics

The brainchild (pun intended) of late Duke University Medical Center professor of neurobiology Lawrence C. Katz, Ph.D., neurobics are mental exercises specifically designed to make use of one (or more) of our five senses in brand new ways in an effort to break from unconscious, automated actions that do not make use of the brain. The latter exercises stimulate the production of nutrients that preserve, strengthen, and promote the growth of brain cells. What’s more, neurobics bring underused neural pathways to the fore, which results in a more nimble and healthy mind. Some examples of neurobic exercises include:
How to sharp your Brain abilities to do well in daily life?
-       Getting from one room in your home to another with your eyes closed;
-       taking a different route to work;
-       listening to a specific piece of music while reading a book.

Engaging your mind

In the spirit of stimulating the brain through novel experiences, engaging in new activities, not only tasks or exercises, promotes mental acuity through the formation of new nerve connections. Some ways to engage your brain include:

-       Yoga;
-       chess;
-       modeling clay;
-       reading;
-       crossword puzzles;
-       bingo.

Some Traveling


Perhaps not something you can engage in on a daily basis, but whenever you get the opportunity, do travel. Venturing out to lands far and wide provides ample stimulation, by which one can acquire new skills, think more creatively, and exercise flexibility; all skills that improve mental sharpness all the while improving one’s overall life experience. 


Try some Physical exercise


Experts tout the importance of physical exercise for overall health, but as it turns out, maintaining an active lifestyle promotes brain health, as well. Exercise provides significant protective benefits to the brain, especially in women, and effectively greatly decreases the risk of developing dementia or Alzheimer’s disease.

-       Walking oxygenates the brain, and studies have shown that women who walk regularly decrease the incidence of age-related memory loss.
-       Running is a brain booster that promotes new brain cell growth, and stimulates the hippocampus, the part of the brain associated with learning and memory. The latter activity has been shown to delay the onset of Alzheimer’s disease and other neurodegenerative diseases.


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