Friday, November 30, 2012

Why epilepsy/seizure patient needs this amazing monitor for their continuous safety

Why epilepsy/seizure patient needs this amazing monitor for their continuous safety


Why this is so important?

  • This watch provide help right at the tip of parent’s fingers.
  • This watch can alert seizures attack while sleeping
  • This will balance of independence and safety plans for kids
Before we know more about this amazing monitor, Let us find out more about epilepsy/ seizure

What is epilepsy?

Epilepsy is a neurological condition, which affects the nervous system. Epilepsy is also known as a seizure disorder. It is usually diagnosed after a person has had at least two seizures that were not caused by some known medical condition like alcohol withdrawal, extremely low blood sugar, heart problems or some other medical condition. Sometimes, according to the International League against Epilepsy, epilepsy can be diagnosed after one seizure, if a person has a condition that places them at high risk for having another.

What is Seizures?

Seizures are a symptom of something going on in the brain. Seizures seen in epilepsy are caused by disturbances in the electrical activity of the brain. The seizures in epilepsy may be related to a brain injury or a family tendency, but most of the time the cause is unknown. The word "epilepsy" does not indicate anything about the cause of the person's seizures, what type they are, or how severe they are. There are many different types of seizures.

What is SmartWatch?

The SmartWatch is a patented, intelligent, motion detecting and alerting wristwatch. SmartWatch is a fully portable non-invasive device that continuously monitors movement, analyzes the information for abnormalities, issues alerts and securely records events. SmartWatch offers autonomy and privacy for users, and peace-of-mind for their families.

How Clinical Studies supports its use

Clinical studies serve the purpose of validating the efficacy of the device in detecting seizures for a planned 510(k) FDA clearance and EC Directive 93/42/EEC certification.

Smart Monitor  conducts clinical studies with leading medical institutions to determine the efficacy of the SmartWatch device in detecting tonic-clonic seizures. Participants are recruited from patients who are admitted to the EMU for routine video and EEG recording for routine clinical care.

•Studies at Stanford with 40 participants were concluded in June 2010. The device performed with very high sensitivity – in the high 90s as noted in the journal article: Lockman  J, Fisher RS, Olson DM. Detection of seizure-like movements using a wrist accelerometer. Epilepsy and Behavior 2011;20:638-41

•Studies are currently underway at the University of California, San Francisco with pediatric patients. The device has been used on children as young as 3 years. Interim results, based on 500 hrs of testing– device sensitivity is in the high 90s, device specificity is in the 90th percentile.

How SmartWatch Works

How SmartWatch Works
SmartWatch works in conjunction with an Android smart phone:  We recommend the Nexus S 4G, Samsung Galaxy Nexus or Galaxy S II Skyrocket. The SmartWatch user needs to carry one of these phones with them or have it within a 10 foot range. When the SmartWatch detects movement outside a normal spectrum it wirelessly signals the smart phone which then automatically sends out text messages and phone calls to designated family members.

More info about SmartWatch

This is a patent protected, intelligent wristwatch that continuously monitors movements and alerts upon the onset of excessive or repetitive shaking motion. Automatic text message and phone call alerts are sent to designated family members and caregivers. Users can also summon help with a simple push of a “Help” button. The ability to track and record motion is an additional benefit of the SmartWatch. It records the time, duration and location of any unusual occurrences.  Users can securely access their archived information for later review.
The SmartWatch is currently available in two versions:
-          SmartWatch Standard
-          SmartWatch Premium
The newly introduced SmartWatch Premium has all the safety and convenience features of the SmartWatch Standard, with even more attributes to bring peace-of-mind to the users and their family. In addition to continuous monitoring and the customizable sensitivity and duration levels, the SmartWatch Premium has the following capabilities:
•GPS location: Physical location information of the SmartWatch user is included with alerts.
•Snooze: The user can temporarily “pause” the watch if they know they are going to be participating in activities that may trigger an alert inadvertently
•Multiple Contacts: Text message and phone call alerts can now be sent to multiple recipients
Often called the “peace-of-mind device”, SmartWatch is an easy-to-use, non-invasive, portable movement monitor. SmartWatch can be worn continuously – in and out of bed, indoors or outdoors, as people go about their day-to-day activities.
SmartWatch can alleviate fears that something could happen without being able to notify or get help in a timely fashion. SmartWatch offers autonomy and privacy for users and peace-of-mind for their families.

Blogmakesmoney Link for Info

SmartWatch Promotion –

Save $200 for

Epilepsy Awareness Month
SmartWatch is offering $200 off any Standard or Premium SmartWatch when you use Promo Code: NEAM1012 when ordering.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Must have application for parents and caregivers

Must have application for parents and caregivers

I think this application will be very useful for parents and caregivers as this will help tracking the records of all kids’ immunization.

What is old yellow immunization card?

Age                                         Vaccines
Two months •Diphtheria/Tetanus/whooping cough/ Haemophilus influenza type b/ Polio
•Pneumococcal conjugate

Four months •Diphtheria/Tetanus/ whooping cough/ Haemophilus influenza type b/ Polio
•Pneumococcal disease

Six months •Diphtheria/Tetanus/ whooping cough / Haemophilus influenza type b/ Polio
•Pneumococcal disease

12 months on or after the 1st birthday •Measles/Mumps/Rubella

18 months •Diphtheria/Tetanus/ whooping cough / Haemophilus influenza type b/ Polio
•Pneumococcal disease

4-6 years • Diphtheria/Tetanus/ whooping cough/ Polio
Grade Four * •Meningococcal disease

Grade Six •Human papillomavirus (HPV) for girls
•Hepatitis B* (starting in 2012-13)

Grade Nine •Tetanus/diphtheria/whooping cough
Every time your child gets a shot, remember to call Public Health Immunization Information Line

What is immunization?


Immunization means vaccination or "needle shots". When children are immunized, they receive an injection that will protect them from serious childhood diseases.

How does it work?

Vaccines trigger your child's immune system to produce antibodies to fight diseases. For immunization to work best, children should have all their vaccinations on schedule.

Is it safe?

Immunization is very safe. A very thorough health protection process is in place to ensure the safety of all vaccines. Once a vaccine is in use, its safety is continually monitored.

Are there any side effects?

For most people, there are no side effects from immunization. However, some people may experience mild pain, swelling and/or redness where the shot was given. Talk to your doctor about how reactions can be prevented or minimized. Serious side effects are rare. For more information ask your doctor, or call the Immunization Information Line at 416-392-1250.

Where to get immunized?

Call your doctor to make an appointment. If you or your child doesn’t have a health card, call the Immunization Information Line

When to get your child immunized:

The Immunization Schedule chart on the back of this flyer shows when children can get the shots that are paid for by the government. If your child was not immunized in infancy, talk to your doctor about a recommended catch-up schedule.

Keep an Immunization Record. It's important!

Get a yellow Immunization Record from your doctor to keep track of the shots. This will prevent receiving unnecessary shots. It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to give this immunization information about their school-aged children to Toronto Public Health. Your doctor's office does not update Toronto Public Health about your child's immunizations.

News-First application which will helps parents track vaccinations

OTTAWA — it’s a common problem for parents: a yellow immunization card is incomplete or missing in action and the school needs information pronto. So an Ottawa Hospital public health expert helped develop a free application, or app, for iPhones and iPads that tracks immunizations, reminds parents when it’s time for a child to get a shot or a booster and even issues warnings about vaccine-preventable outbreaks. Many parents misplace the yellow cards or don’t know if their children’s vaccines are up to date, says Dr. Kumanan Wilson, a pandemic planning expert who is a scientist at the Ottawa Hospital Research Institute and a Canada Research Chair in Public Health Policy.
Often, parents misplace the yellow card or forget it when they have a vaccination appointment. So they get a new card with information to be added to the old card they misplaced. Wilson was all ears when one of the women in his neighborhood said she hated the yellow card and suggested creating an electronic version.
People often don’t know where the immunization card is. But they know how to find their phone,” says Wilson. “It sounded like a good idea, but I didn’t know how to do it.”In the summer of 2011, he mentioned the idea to Cameron Bell, an electrical engineering student at McGill University who had previously worked on a website for him. Three months later, Bell surprised him with a beta version of ImmunizeON, which has become the Ottawa Hospital Research Institute’s first iPhone app. The two have been improving the app ever since.

 ImmunizeON is available free through iTunes this week and is ready to use for children born after August 2011, which is when Ontario’s vaccine schedule was last updated. However, users can enter any vaccine in the app to keep track of their children’s records.
Among the app’s features:
• it keeps immunization records readily accessible.
• it updates records on the spot.
• it receives vaccination reminders according to the Ontario vaccination schedule and the child’s age, as well as pointing out “unscheduled” vaccinations such as flu shots, the HPV vaccine for boys, and travel vaccines.
• it offers credible information on vaccines and what to do in case of an adverse reaction and tips for reducing pain associated with vaccinations.
• it offers alerts about outbreaks of vaccine preventable diseases. There have been outbreaks if measles in Quebec and mumps in B.C., for example. The “radius” for alerts can be adjusted by the users.
• it sends vaccine records to the home email for backup.
“It’s a beautiful tool. The only thing I would say about electronic tools is that they have to be updated,” says Dr. Danielle Grenier, the medical affairs director of the Canadian Paediatric Society who is a Gatineau pediatrician. In Quebec, immunization cards are blue.
Grenier points out that most vaccines are 95 to 97 per cent effective. It’s important to follow a physician’s advice on the timing of vaccinations and booster shots. “No vaccine is 100 per cent. But if you’re not vaccinated, you’re not protected,” she says.
There are slight variations in immunization schedules in provinces across Canada. ImmunizeON paves the way for a fully Canadian version in the coming months that will offer vaccination schedules and alerts from across the country.
Wilson, who has been communicating with public health officials across the country, hopes this is the first stage of a larger vision to make the app part of an integrated system of immunization records. “We’re looking for feedback to develop the user experience,” he says. Bell is already working on new features. He is adding vaccination schedules for older children, as well as backup to Apple’s cloud storage system so records won’t have to be backed up on home email. “We’re putting out a second version soon that will do a lot more,” he says.

Meanwhile, ImmunizeON’s front page is changeable, so users will be able to sign up for public health alerts on all kinds of subjects. Wilson believes the app can be valuable as a source of credible information for serious health alerts like SARS, which caused confusion and panic in 2002-2003. “There was a lot of uncertainty. People were really looking for information,” says Wilson. The app is now available on iTunes by searching for ImmunizeON. Wilson also wants to develop the app for Android and BlackBerry phones.“While the paper yellow card remains the official vaccination record, we hope this app will make it easier for parents to keep track of their children’s vaccinations.”

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Tried and tested home remedies for Cough

Tried and tested home remedies for Cough

I and my family always use these home remedies when we have a cough any season.
They are very simple and Easy to use Home Remedies for Cough.

Home remedies and natural medicines made at home from natural ingredients such as fruits, vegetables, and herbs are catching a lot of attention due to its very nature of cure: simple, no side effects, and no chemicals, inexpensive. Winter is very common time for cough and cold problems. Here are some easy to use Remedies for Cough

Why we all get cough?


Coughing is the body's way of removing foreign material or mucus from the lungs and upper airway passages.


Coughing is reaction to an irritated airway


Coughing is a reflex action started by stimulation of sensory nerves in the lining of the respiratory passages - the tubes we use to breathe.

When a person coughs, there is a short intake of breath and the larynx (the voice box) closes momentarily. The abdominal and chest muscles used for breathing contract, which in turn increases the pressure needed to drive air out the lungs when the larynx re-opens.

Coughs have distinctive traits you can learn to recognize. A cough is only a symptom, not a disease, and often the importance of your cough can be determined only when other symptoms are evaluated.

What are causes of Cough?

Coughing usually means there is something in the respiratory passages that should not be there. This can be caused by breathing in dust particles in the air or when a piece of food goes down the wrong way.

It could also be a sign that an infection in the lungs is making the respiratory passages produce phlegm.

Coughing can be provoked by:

The common cold

This is a frequent cause of acute cough that usually settles in less than three weeks.

Bacterial or viral infections

These infections in the lungs, e.g. acute bronchitis, pneumonia, whooping cough, croup in children

Sucking material

When sucking material into the breathing tubes from your mouth.
Severe illnesses

This can be due to pneumonia, acute heart failure or pulmonary embolism (a clot in the blood vessels of the lung).


This often causes chronic cough (smoker's lung).


This can happened in children who may only cough and show no wheezing

Stomach acid

This can back up the gullet and spilling over into the windpipe (gastro-oesophageal reflux).


Some of them used in heart disease called ACE inhibitors.

Psychological illness

Rarely coughing can be provoked by psychological illness

Nerve damage

This can happen to damage to the nerves that supply the vocal chords (known as vocal chordpalsy) and chronic cough can occur.

Here are try and tested simple home remedies for cough. Please try and let me know if they work.


1. Turmeric powder drink


I like this one and because this is very easy to use. To make this Mix 1-2 tsp. of pure home made turmeric powder in warm milk and drink it twice a day for coughs of a bacterial origin. Within 2 days your cough will be gone by using this method.

2. Honey and white pepper Tea             

Take one tea spoon of pure honey and to it add a pinch of   grounded white pepper. Regular usage of this 2-3 times a day for about 4-5 days will cure your cough. This is one of the important home remedies for cough. Honey when taken with white pepper will loosen the mucous and make you spit the mucus. This will be helpful in throwing the irritating substances of the trachea and help you in treating cough.

3. Red Raspberry drink
 Drinking red raspberry, honeysuckle, or liquor ice tea with honey is helpful in treating cough in 2-3 days.
4. Honey plus orange juice

Take 2 tablespoons of honey and mix it in one cup of orange juice and drink it.

5. Homemade syrup

Prepare a cough syrup from baked onion juice, comfrey tea, and honey. Drink it daily and your cough will subside.

6. Vodka and honey drink

Before going to bed just take a spoonful of honey with few drops of vodka or brandy in it.

7. Ginger Tea

If you have cough due to cold then just drink tea made of ginger 3-4 times a day or just eat raw ginger, this will subside your cough.

8. Gargle with salted warm water

You may also gargle with warm water to which lot of salt is added as many times as possible during the day. This will    help you to clear phlegm caught in the throat.
9. Onion Juice and Honey

Mix 5 ml of onion juice with 10 ml of pure honey. Take this   mixture at least twice a day. This will relieve your cough   and will also help in soothing throat.

Please share your home remedies which I will add tomy blog.....

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